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Bulba's Request Shop!!


< Togehther Forever~
okay.. tx for reminding me...

- Name: Rin
- Trainer: Lucy (the Battle Pike Leader)
- Ribbon:Master Rank Contest Ribbons (all of the category, I mean cool, cute, beauty, smart tough)
- Pokemon Beside trainer: Luxray
- Another Pokemon: Houndoom, Aerodactyl, Milotic, Roserade, Beautifly, Glaceon
- Template: # 12

@ blendmaster: wew, customized templates? I want one..

Here ya go!


Just remove the ***.


^nice but i just found out that blend master was doing that..sorry blendy:)D)..
u can do it again though!

heres the chimchar chao...can anybody do the dalgia plakia fusion and teh luxray chao...pretty plz...im overloaded with work ill be free on 11th may..then ill do all the requests..but plz help me out here...



not the best sprite in teh world?? i knwo..but it luks cute IMO...it luks like a
3D pic to me...:D....man this shops gud..its famous...4 pages in 3 days...WOOT!!!

and plz help me with the requestss...thnx!

~desperate owner of flooded shop~

i made a signature!!! :D :p :)


Well-Known Member
Thanks for my request. Sorry I forgot to check back. After I first started requesting I got in the habbit of waiting awhile before I checked back.


<- My newest hit!!!!
Can i work here??

I can make Pokécharms Mystery Dungeons Restyle's just like in my siggy..
info Team Card needed:
1.Pokecharms trainercard: (while making one give trainer name = Team name)
2.Team Leader + his/her name
3. Youre favo. friend area.

I can also make MD scene's also like in my siggy.
info scene needed:
1. Place: (almost every friend area) or Team base, or every place in the spuare
2. Pokemon that play in it + where they stand
3. talking pokemon + what he/she say
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^plz take away ur fusions etc. plz give credit to the shop and the person who made the sprite for ya!


Palkia Lover
Can I have a couple of fusions:
1. Base Pokemon: Palkia
Second Pokemon: Dialga

2. Base Pokemon: Milotic
Second Pokemon: Gyarados

If you have time can you also do a trainer card.

Background: Palkia theme
Pokemon: Torterra, Infernape, Empoleon, Palkia, Giratina and Arceus (All DP Male Sprites)
Name: Craig
Trainer: Any cool looking male sprite you choose will do.
Badges: Sinnoh set.


******** Guy
@ ahmad_bulba: I don't wanna do it anymore. Don't feel like it.


the fusion of dialga palkia is a couple of posts above
and ah,ad yo are an idiot the trainer cards needs heavy editing i will edit it
and the second lst badge is incorrect
and as a rule the face of the pokemon must show i mean i pity palkia hald his face is gone
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the fusion of dialga palkia is a couple of posts above
and ah,ad yo are an idiot the trainer cards needs heavy editing i will edit it
and the second lst badge is incorrect
and as a rule the face of the pokemon must show i mean i pity palkia hald his face is gone

dude i dont know how it needs heavy editing but ur the idiot around here....the second last badge is right..theyre two of one kind so i puit the green one...


^sure but first read the rules and view the trainer card section.thatll tell ya wt to do..