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Bulk Up for Vigoroth: Worth it?


Boulder Trainer
I am not 100% sure if I want to evolve my Vigoroth into Slaking. If so, is Bulk Up worth using on Vigoroth? Or is it worth it on Slaking? Any help would be appreciated. Maybe even suggesting what Pokemon is good to use Bulk Up on. Thanks.


Master of Charizard
Hmmmm, perhaps on Vigoroth for some extra defense and strength, but not on Slaking. Slaking doesn't need to waste it's turn increasing its already massive attack power.

Pika Egg

Veteran newbie ^_^
It can work for Vigoroth:
Nature: Adamant
-Shadow Ball
-Bulk Up

but not on Slaking since Slaking's better with a Choice Band


Boulder Trainer
Thanks guys, I appreciate it. Slaking I was pretty sure about, but not 100%.

EDIT: Wait a tick, when does Vigoroth learn Flail? I don't remember it learning Flail. Doesn't Slaking learn Flail, but not Vigoroth?
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Boulder Trainer
Ight. I am not in the mood to re-train Vigoroth for Flail atm. Would Brick Break be good to put instead of Flail then?


Boulder Trainer
Well, I'll give him Brick Break for the time being, since I am my father's gym right now. I will crush him with Brick Break, and by the time I reach Lv. 40 whatever, I will get rid of Brick Break for Reversal.