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"bullly " or "tony hawks project 8"

"Project 8" gets my vote. I've seen a video of Tony Hawk playing a beta version of the game, and it looks seriously sweet! If I had an Xbox 360, this would deffinately be a must have on my list. (And besides which, the Bully game doesn't really strike me as interesting.)
Bully is a great game. Really surprised me.

Project 8, on the other hand, is your typical boring and bland Tony Hawk game.

Get Bully.


Worst Fad Ever
I really liked Bully. I played through the whole thing and couldn't put it down.

I've never played THP8, but I hear it didn't do as well as everybody thought it would.

I say get Bully.
Canis Canem Edit. I hate Skateboarding in every way.

You know, there was really no point in giving your opinion if you're biased against all skateboarding games. :/

And I still say you should get Project 8. It's graphincs are just amazing, and it has tons of new features. And for replay falue, I'm going to have to suggest Project 8 as well, since Tony Hawk games never get boring.


Bully. I've heard Project 8 isn't so great.


I am the game
Bully Project 8 only got a 7.9 or a 7.0


I am Erureido
Bully looks more interesting...kid violence parents just hate despite ITS A VIDEO GAME! XD


Well-Known Member
I say Bully.

btw, shouldn't there be a poll for this to make it easier to view the results?


I am the game
I agree with Sneaky about the poll.


Better then you
I say get Priject 8. It looks pretty good. Plus like Fez the Mysfit Elf, Tony Hawk games never get boring.
So in other words, there was no point whatsoever to this thread, since you went against the unanimous opinion of getting Bully and got that generic pile anyways?