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"bullly " or "tony hawks project 8"


I am the game


Well-Known Member

the first two links are exactly the same .i typically disagree with the critics on everything such as movies or games.and heck i've often disagreed with things normal people like you guys said .as of right now i actually really like p8 mkay. now idk how much i would liked bully. but i'm completely satasfiied right jow with p8. but i'll pry going to get bully for christmas now okay.
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Awaiting October.
since i've never played Bully i must say i dislike the tony hawk series its the same thing over and over only with better graphics, But Bully seems different and could be fun, but in the end why ask us use our own judgement.


Jade Star Trainer
go with project 8, and anyways if u dont like it just return it and get bully or vis versa. problem solved


I am the game
I never thought of that Dark Lugia