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i hate the nintendo bundles! its a rip off for someone who already has a gamecube or ds to buy a game worth original price and poeple who buy the gamecube or ds first time get the games for free! ex: mario party 7 and mario kart ds. i was gonna buy both but decided not to but i still bought xd gale of darkness.

tell me your opinions pls.


Super Gamer
Mario Kart DS bundle - the total is $150. Regular DS cost $130.
Mario Party 7 bundle - $100 (you basically get the game free)
Super Smash Bros. Melee bundle - $100 - the game is free...

I also just saw an add for Target that has the New Improved GBA SP bundled with a Super Mario Advance 2 for about $70.

Some bundles are ripoffs, some are unfair, some are just right - thats life in the videogame industry - you never know what things will come to be and how they will affect you.



Yeah, I also hate it, I usually buy the system immediately when it comes out(I'm just so excited) then they release those bundles and I realize how much I could've saved. Most do seem like good deals though.

That's just life, eh?


Meh, it's just a matter of promotion for anything that NoA has already deemed successful. That's what all those bundles have in common. It's basically an added bonus for those jumping into Nintendo.


R.I.P. Ridley
How is it a ripoff? Those bundles are obviously just for those who haven't gotten the systems yet, and it's not like those games aren't available seperately. This is enevitable in the industry and be looked on as a positive thing, since they're there to generate more interest in the system.