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Bunyatto or Sukatanku?

Which one is the better version exclusive?

  • Bunyatto

    Votes: 10 40.0%
  • Sukatanku

    Votes: 15 60.0%

  • Total voters


Well-Known Member
Which version exclusive Pokemon do you prefer? Bunyatto or Sukatanku?

Sukatanku gets my vote.


YOUR best friend
Bunyatto because it looks like one of those cats cartoon villains always have on their laps. Not because I LIKE those cats or anything, but it's still funny to have a Pokemon that looks like them.

And because it isn't a smelly (LITERALLY! DAHAHA) Dark type.

Dark Espeon

Well-Known Member
I love them both, but I like Bunyatto a bit better because it's a cat ^_^. They're both decent battlers, but Sukatanku is slightly better, not only in typing but also in movepool.


Salingerian Phony
I liked the Basic version of the cat. It looked kooky. Bunyatto just looks mean.

I've always wanted to see a skunk Pokémon released...though I'm not sure why they wanted to make them have those crazy cartoon cat cheeks. Still, a Poison-type that isn't afraid of Psychic attacks is awesome.

~Ero Oyagi~

Well-Known Member
Bunyatto is great because it's an innovative new Pokémon and it looks crazy (But stil not as crazy as Nyaaruma). Sukutanku is a bit boring IMO.


Bird trainer
Sukutanku. Admittably, the Sugimori art doesn't look as good as the sprite, but it's definitely better than Bunyatto, which is just stupid/ridiculous (IMO).


Well-Known Member
Bunyatto but thats only cause I'm getting pearl. I dislike both of them


Well-Known Member
Sukutanku. Admittably, the Sugimori art doesn't look as good as the sprite, but it's definitely better than Bunyatto, which is just stupid/ridiculous (IMO).

Where did you see the Sugimori art?


Well-Known Member
Bunyatto scares me. no offense to you Bunyatto lovers. its just fat and pretty ugly to me. Sukatanku is better.

Requiem's Eclipse

Hopelessly Hopeful
Horay for the both option