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Buried Relic How. I tried


Well-Known Member
ok my bok says after defeating the stormy sea ull get a mail that says buried relic discoverd then talk to shiftry. its been like month since i defeated it and i do more then 3 missins in one day . i talked to shift any way and still nothing. whta do i do?


fredfredburger yes!
well looks like nobody is answering so i will tell you okay well first you have to have less then 4 mail in your mailbox otherwise you can't get it so if you have 4 then store a few mail now you can do a few missions then you will get it! now go talk to shiftry! now buried relic is for on the dungeon list!


fredfredburger yes!
okay write again and tell me if you got the mail.


Active Member
jus clear ur mail box and do a mission and something.Then Pelipper will come.
But jus keep doin that until theres a mail bout Buried Relic. =D