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Buried Relic - What's In It?

Havoc Houndoom

Cascade Trainer
I've managed to descend down to the 70s before getting wiped out in here.

I put together the music box from the 3 Regis.... and did see a Mew but didn't have its Friend Area.

I acquired HM Rock Smash from a locked door on the 45th floor, but the (GO) logo is still next to it, indicating something IMPORTANT still to be done. What's at the bottom? And I think I remember another HM disc inside a circular wall on B60F or something.... how do I get to it?


Well-Known Member
You have to beat the dungeon, not get wiped out. After you get through all 99, it won't be there.

Edit: Oh, the HM in the walls is Strength, and at the bottom there is...Nothing. Yup. Nothing but a floor of Golems only. I don't get it.
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Storm of Fire
For the HM-Use Rock Smash to break the walls.


Storm of Fire
Why did you post this in a Random Thread? Anyway, Nothing.

Edit: You really should put credit to Shadow_Lugia_Master for Swampard.


Storm of Fire
And don't forget the Super mobile IQ skill.