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Buried Relic


Active Member
Yah when do we unlock Buried Relic?
On the site it says theres some kind of mail and i didnt get anything

Edit: I just got Latios and Latias =)


Active Member
well I did beat stormy sea and i got latios&Latias and now im at the 3 legendary dogs part.
Can someone plz tell me how to get to Buried Relic?

Sailor Merury

Butterflys rock!
You have to have less than 3 mail messages in your mail box, talk to Shiftry and go and kick the Regi's butts!


Zigzagoon luv
Like the others. But it must be done in order, and since you can't delete pelipper's mail store it, and you rescue job offers, accept them and delete them.


Well-Known Member
Make sure your mailbox isnt full