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Burning the candle at both ends...


King of the Marsh
Not a euphamism for bisexuality, but rather me finally getting round to PED work again, with two opposite polarity fire types.

They're both slightly broken, but it's my policy to always round up when attacks are proving very hard to balance, so it'll all even out in the end. Whenever that may be. 1/6 of the way through in over a year. Yay!

+Chaos Blade+

Great job, Zora.

Your cards never cease to amaze me, and also, the artists who drew the Pokémon, superb job.

But I have a question. Dark Ninetales looks familiar. Is it an old card, or am I just being stupid? XP

+Chaos Blade+


King of the Marsh
I used the same artwork for Dark Ninetales as I did on a Ninetales card I made last week over at Pokegym. The artwork was originally intended for Dark Nintales, but it ended up on the regular Ninetales too.

Cascade of the Sky

Cascade Gonpory!
you do have a great ability of chooing the perfect art for the cards! you have done nothing wrong in my point of view. you used the art well, and i am very happy with the chose of attacks, it was a good idea to do the light rapidach and dark ninetales, and most people will choose the dark rapidash and light ninetales! their is always a *something special* in your cards that inspires me to make cards... good job, luving your cards! Great job, keep it up, and your cards togather 10/10! great work


King of the Marsh
Dark Rapidash and Light Ninetales already exist, and it's my policy for PED to not repeat alignments.

Two more Pokemon. This time they're antivenoms, I guess.


Unleash your Phantom
Oh.my. These look just like scans of official cards. Whoever you got the art from is amazing. The attacks are believable and quite possible on ex cards, these are truly great. 10/10.

King Shuckle

Don't be daft
Well done Zora, well done. All the cards are grand. Too bad you didn't use your own art on any of them...

Anyways, your doing a good job, and I can't wait until Delta Species are released.....ooops....I said too much.