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Buy green


Well-Known Member
My Green version just died out on me and does anyone know where online can i buy one?

RaZoR LeAf

Night Terror


Well-Known Member
Any other sugestions than ebay? I dont trust ebay.


What do you mean by "dead?" Does it not register at all with the system, or does it simply refuse to save?

You might want to try cleaning it before attempting to purchase a new one. Or if it doesn't save, replace the battery.


breathe, spit, walk
www.google.com for all your stupid queries

No, seriously, Razor Leaf is right. We don't sell you Pokemon games. Go to ebay or to some retail store, and you may find what you seek.

Flame Sabre

Why would you want to buy Green when Red and Blue are better substitutes? *sigh* Well, it's your choice really. But you can probably find it in the above mentioned sites.

But do make sure that your Green version is really not functioning. No point in buying the same game again when you have a functioning one, no? ;P


Hey, it's not a stupid question. If I wanted a copy of a rare game, I wouldn't hesitate to consult people on a forum concerning said game.

Perhaps this person simply LIKES the Green Version better? Or they have a sentimental attachment to it, and would like to keep a working copy around for that reason? I'm like that with Harvest Moon GBC even though I find More Friends of Mineral Town to be a far superior game. I still like to be able to go to the utter simplicity of HMGBC to remind me that there were times when I didn't have that flashy "rucksack" or the fridge, shelf, marriage, etc.

I would still like to know at least the general condition of this fellow's (or lady's) game beyond "it's broken" so that we can determine if it can be salvaged before a purchase is necessary.


Are you sure your Green version was a real one? I don't think cart games just die

Grass Guardian

Rags to Riches
S-H-U-P-P-E-T said:
sometimes the memory gets to old, or something inside of it breaks.

I think that's what happened to my gold version. I've had the same game since I first bought the cartridge from Walmart when G/S first came out. I've never started a new game. I went to turn my game on one day and it said the file has been corrupted. I tried to start a new game multiple times, but my cartridge doesn't save games anymore. Every new game I try to start gets erased. Sad story :( I miss my Meganium..