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calm mind


oblivion weilder
when you use calm mind how much would the stats increase by? say if i had 400 special attack and 300 special defence. just for example
just a quick question which can be delated once i have my answer


Well-Known Member
no, its one stage, which is 50%. so would be 600 and 450. each time increases by 50% of original though, so if u used it twice would be 800 and 600


Veteran smartass
i answered this question two times before here...not long time ago:


oblivion weilder
no ofence but thats really difficult to understand


Kyogre Trainer
The number goes down when an attack says, "INSERT POKEMON NAME HERE"'s stat fell. For example, when using overheat your special attack falls 2 levels. When that caterpie used string shot on you in lowered your speed by one level.


I am the game
Now i know why so much people use calm mind..


<-- Solves any case!
Now i know why so much people use calm mind..

Because it is a great move. If your against a pokemon wich can't harm you. Use calm-mind, he'll switch into a pokemon wich can harm you or a hazer. If it can harm you, you can afford another calm-mind and if it is a hazer finish it quickly. And after 2 calm-minds you'll do twice the damage than before and receive only half the damage.


oblivion weilder
yep its great for pyschics like latias and latios


oblivion weilder
or also uses calm ind then itl be normal damage


The new tuxedo look!
I never understand why cosmic power isn't overused, If it halves the damage after it's been used twice....