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Came to day

Shiny pokemon lover

Shiny pokemon hunter
Hi! I am Shiny pokemon lower, which means I am a shiny pokemon hunter and mad after shiny pokemon.
I also drawing my own pokemon anime with episode register and the whole.
I have followed Pokemon since the start and I have no plans to quit.

My shiny pokemon: Machop,NidoranM,Seel, (Fire Red)
Nincada ( Ruby )
Wingull ( Emerald) got this one a few days ago

Sorry if my english are wrong.
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Well-Known Member
Hi, and welcome to SPPf. Hope you have fun, and be sure to read the rules. PM me if you need help or want to be friends. ^_^



Welcome to the forums! Unfortunetely I don't have any shiny pokemon but anyway have fun and PM me to friends.