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Can anybody suggest a pokemon in the Elite 4


<--Mewtwo Rockz!
Im kinda trapped even in the 1st elite four, can you guys suggest pokemons that can beat the elite four? Any suggestion is okay..


fuk yo couch ***** !
you need a decently balanced and well trained team. what is it at the moment ?


my suggestions
umbreon both from colesium
an ice type lapras or cloyster
what ever else you want


It's Christmas Time!
i suggest
a electric/grass pokemon for Lorelei
a psychc/flying pokemon for Bruno
a fire/ground/ghost pokemon for Agatha
a dragon/water/electric pokemon for Lance
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Completing The Trio
get yourself a fire type, if you haven't got charizard then get either vulpix or growlithe

an ice type. get your self a seel, realtively easy to find in the seafoam islands, and there already at about level 30-35

an electric type, get your self a pikachu because of special attack but if you want to use a magneton

and a psychic type, preferably kadabra{alakazam if you can trade to get it} which will take care of bruno and agatha


Shuckle trainer
Any good pokemon should do, as long as you've trained them enough and they know good moves. If I can't beat the elite four, I usually try teaching my pokemon some moves that are good against them or I just train them up more. What pokemon are you using at the moment?

-shuckle_is_the_best ;213;
i used my venasaur strategy for loreli, dewgong for bruno everyone for agatha and degongs ice attack on lance and finished gary off with a flick (vena strategy is putting loreli's pkmn to sleep and using frenzy plant =)) so, mabye you could use some of those
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PKMN Trainer Louis

Well-Known Member
Just train up what Pokemon you like. Make sure you keep them pretty balance, as in, don't have a LV50 and then a LV25. You can beat the Elite Four with any Pokemon, if you train properly.


Well-Known Member
A few strategies:
1. Capture the legendary birds, they will help a lot.
2. Train up a butterfree and have sleep powder/stun spore, it never misses due to compound eyes (never missing is based on no accuracy lowering effects taken place.)
3. Use the Vs seeker to get a few re-matches and level up your pokemon.
4. A dragonite would be a good choice as it can learn thunderbolt which can leave a dent in Lorelei's team, ice beam/dragon claw for Lance and aerial ace for Bruno.
5. Your starter pokemon will come in handy here and most noobs tend to level it up higher than any of their other pokemon.


I like pie.
a psychc/flying pokemon for Bruno

phsychic isn't that great for his onix, and most phsychics have poor defense and will be ripped to shreds by onix. and no flying types unless it's aerodactyl or, even better, skarmory (although you can't get it yet) all his pokemon know rock type moves to kill flying types. venomoth can learn giga drain and phsychic attacks so it would work for bruno, although rock is super effective so be careful.


The Chosen One...
Articuno! Thats the number one stop! Or another Ice - But Dragon no no like Ice = Yey yey winning!
My suggestions:
Loriel: Electric type!
Bruno: Water - Surf! Psychic move on a Pokemon with high Spc Atk would make the fighting Pokemon easier!
Agatha: A nice fire type! But any Pokemon with good Special Attack will be good enough!
Lance IcecoughArticunocough.
Gary/Green/that boy All the Pokemon above combined! Starting with The Electric!


Meowth Fanatic <3
My suggestions? Against Lorelei, bring in an eletric type. I don't advise grass-types, because Lorelei's pokemon use a lot of ice-type moves, and ice smashes grass. I'd suggest gyarados against Bruno, 'cause it can learn flying moves to knock down the fighting-types in addition to Surf, or whatever you want to use against onix. Against Agatha, a good fire-type or anything that knows dark-type moves. Ice-types would be good against Lance, but if I remember right, he has dragons with electric-type moves, so dragon-types might be a more safe route.

Mr. Rival's starter will be his strongest pokemon, so what you should use against him would vary. :3


Fear the Deer
Heres what I suggest:
Thats what I used to beat it.