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Can anyone offer me help with my poison team?

Even though Poison pokemon are not my prefered type I want to make a kick but team with them, but so far I've been stuck and need some help. Here's what I got so far.

Venusaure ;003; (Grass/Poison) @ (open)
Special Sweeper (Overgrow)

Slug Bomb (Poison)
Worry Seed (Grass)
Grass Knot (Grass)

I imported him from my FR at lvl. 37

Crobat ;169; (Poison/Flying) @ (open)
Physical Sweeper (Inner Focus)

Toxic (Poison)
Fly (Flying)
Mean Look (Normal)
Payback (Dark)

Drapion ;452; (Poison/Dark) @ (open)
Physical Sweeper (Battle Armor/Sniper)

Cross Poison (Poison)
Crunch (Dark)
Earthquake (Ground)
Iron Tail (Steel)

Toxicroak ;454; (Poison/Fighting) @ (open)
Physical Sweeper (Dry Skin/Anticipation)

Revenge (Fight)
Rain Dance (Water)
Protect (Normal)
Focus Blast (Fight)

Tentacreul ;073; (Water/Poison) @ (open)
Special Sweeper (Liquid Ooze/Clear Body)

Surf (Water)
Slug Bomb (Poison)
Swagger (Normal)
Ice Beam (Ice)

Gengar ;094; (Ghost/Poison) @ (open)
Special Sweeper (Levitate)

Shadow Ball (Ghost)
Thunder (Electric)
Energy Ball (Grass)
Psychic (Psychic)

Anyway thats what I have so far any help or comments would be helpful.


please do not listen to the above post and give drapion choice specs.
belongs in an rmt.
post it in-game since mono type teams don't work in d/p really.
Okay, i forgot there was an rmt place. Could a mod close this please? and R4J if you aren't suggesting something please don't degrade my ideas


I'm suggesting you don't give something using physical attacks and that has 60 base special attack as an item that multiplies special attack by 1.5.
Seems like a pretty good contribution to me.


New Member
What are these pokemon's natures? It's quite possible they could have a bad nature stat, in which case you should see if you could get a better nature more suited for the pokemon.

If you have these Natures, your in a good state:

Venasaur- Quiet - Up in Special Attack- Lower in Speed

Crobat- Careful - Up in Special Defense- Lower in Special Attack

Drapion- Adamant- Up in Attack- Lower in Special Attack

Toxiccroak- Adamant- Up in Attack- Lower in Special Attack

Tentacreul- Calm- Up in Special Defense- Lower in Attack

The one thing I would recomend is to replace the fly move on your Crobat for some other flying TM move.

Gengar- Modest - Up in Special Attack- Lower in Attack

dark rift

Well-Known Member
sorry but your Toxicroak moveset is horrable.
I think this might be better

Toxicroak @ Black Sludge

Bulk Up (Fight)
Brick Break (Fighting)
Stone Edge (Rock)
Poison Jab (Poison)

Black Sludge does Rain Dances Job already. Poison Jab is a very effective poison move belive it or not. Focus Blast Doesn't suit it because it is a special move so replace it with brick break. Bulk Up is A great move for the Physical Sweeper Toxicroak is and Stone Edge will teach those flying types a lesson.

the Crobat isn't that good eather

Crobat @ no item

Theif (Dark) take lefties etc from opponent
Roost (flying) to restore HP
Cross Poison 1000000 times better then payback (don't give payback to fast pokemon!)
Confuse Ray > Toxic when thief is used first

hope that helped.
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