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Can AR really mess up your game?

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The god of Pokemon
I'm wondering just because I am thinking about using an AR for some of my game (Event items for this one) And I don't want to wreck my games.


Pippi! Pi!
I'm wondering just because I am thinking about using an AR for some of my game (Event items for this one) And I don't want to wreck my games.
I don't think we're allowed to talk about AR on the forums. SPPf kind of has a rule about that. ^^;

From what I've heard though, you can, if you mess up the codes and save your game with them active.


it shone! ^_^
I use AR/GS all the time (well, not all the time) and I've never had a problem with them.

As long as you don't save while it's switched on, or use about 50 codes at once, you should be fine.


Well-Known Member
Never used AR and never will. I like to get Pokemon/items on my own accord, not with the help of a cheating machine.
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