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Can I have your opinion?


Skilled Trainer
Is it just me or are there WAY too many prevos, evos and legendaries in the 4th generation, while there are some cool evos like misdrevious' evo, I was looking forward too a lot more new pokemon. What do you think?

Leon Phelps

Don't Tread on Me
I think that some evos were pointless and most pre-evos were uneeded but that won't stop me from enjoying the game. Some Pokemon really needed evolutions.


look a portkey!
most of the evos are cool but the pre evos are just stupid


Torterra Firma
Both kick total ***. Even the pre-evos.
I think that some evos were pointless and most pre-evos were uneeded but that won't stop me from enjoying the game. Some Pokemon really needed evolutions.

If you don't like some of the new Pokemon, don't use 'em. Works for me, and it'll prolly work for you too.


Josh trainer
Is it just me or are there WAY too many prevos, evos and legendaries in the 4th generation, while there are some cool evos like misdrevious' evo, I was looking forward too a lot more new pokemon. What do you think?

You can't have everything. Some people wanted those pre-evos and legendaries. Others didn't.

So, in the end, there will always be unsatisfied.


Well there were only two pokémon in the third generation that were releated to old pokémon.

Actually, I think that most of these pokémon were invented and were intended to appear in the advanced games, but were not included until now because their relations were not catchable in Ruby and Sapphire (at first.)

Happy Meganium

a love like this
Well, it sure seems like a lot of the new Pokemon are evos/pre-evos of older Pokemon. It doesn't bother me very much, though. A lot of the Pokemon are very futuristic, must be with the whole space theme or whatever. *is slow*

Anyway, I don't mind it. That way, when you trade some of your older partners over to D/P, something exciting like a new evolution or something could be in store for them. :3
yeah, there are quite a lot....
Some of them are pretty cool though, so I guess I don't mind that much.

~Ero Oyagi~

Well-Known Member
Some really needed an evo IMO. But most didn't, like magneton. Its new evo looks stupid. And pre evos are, on the whole, pretty pointless.


It's mostly because Nintendo's running out of ideas but there really some good ones like Fione.

Fighting Dark Man

Everyone's Nightmare
They kinda overdid it. Sorta. But what I'm furious about is why no love for the fire types? I mean, let's see. Before you get the Nat. Dex in D/P, all the fire types you can catch in Shinou are Ponyta and Rapidash of the old games, and the three fire monkeys, which is a starter line. I want a fire type and never have a team without one, so why no new fire types other than the starter's line, Magmar's retarded looking evo and the legendary, the latter two of which you can't even get until after the E4 and I think the Nat. Dex too if I'm not mistaken?


Contaminated KFC
I'm not too bothered with the evolutions a lot of pokémon have been given. Roserade is both a kickass design AND a decent pokémon for using in battle for example. And there are a lot of other good ones thrown into the mix, such as Misdreavus, Dusclops, Gligar and Kirlia's new evolutions.
They might not all be nessicary, but why should it matter? If it actually makes a pokémon line more useful, then whats the big deal? As long as they look the part, it's fine by me. In the end, they're still new pokémon, regardless whether or not they're related to something else~

The prevos can rot in hell though...
Oh c'mon. I have to be a little negative once in a while.

It's mostly because Nintendo's running out of ideas
*Imma stabbin' them eyeballs right now Pa!*

Dolphins, Zebras, Griffins, Nagas, Locusts, Pandas, Swordfish, Polar Bears, Desert Foxes, Leopards, Wombats, Koalas, Toucans, Clownfish, Flounders, Geese, Gazelle or whatever the plural is, Bison, Goats, Kiwis, Aardvarks, Manatees (FOUR!)

I pulled all of those out of my ass within seconds. And I'm still thinking of more ideas as I write this very sentance (not just limited to animals either. Plant life, monuments, inanimate objects, gods of other cultures, you name it), despite the fact that I'm not a well-paid proffessional working for a big business company that sells games like hotcakes.

Running out of ideas my trouser-coated, chair-warmin', does-it-look big-in-this butt.
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I think its because there wont be a 5th generation of pokemon

more games, sure.
but no morepokemon

this is just tieing up loose ends

why else would there be so many new evos and pre evos

and wierd type combos, like grass/ice?

Korobooshi Kojiro

*Imma stabbin' them eyeballs right now Pa!*

Dolphins, Zebras, Griffins, Nagas, Locusts, Pandas, Swordfish, Polar Bears, Desert Foxes, Leopards, Wombats, Koalas, Toucans, Clownfish, Flounders, Geese, Gazelle or whatever the plural is, Bison, Goats, Kiwis, Aardvarks, Manatees (FOUR!)


See, one more!


Contaminated KFC

See, one more!
A peacock would have made for an awesome pokémon.

Man, they could have given it Arzues' trait too. Give it a different item that changes it's type, and with each type change, it's tail feathers would take on a different form. Like leaves, firey arrows, ice crystals, lightning bolts or steel spears.

God...see how EASY it is?