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Can Mew spawn?

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Squeaky Yugi

Bring on the Metapod
Can Mew spawn like regular Pokemon? I've been try to recruit one by tracking the Pokemon that start out on each floor, assuming that Mew won't spawn, but am I just wasting my time? Can a Mew suddenly appear on a level?

Ho-oh Master

Well-Known Member
mew can only be seen on floors 36 to 98 while holding the music box.

bring a friend bow :)

Squeaky Yugi

Bring on the Metapod
Yes, I know that, but can he appear, or does he have to start out on the level for you to see him?


Well-Known Member
This was what I wanted to know, but no one would give me a straight forward answer...
I saw Mew on...well, check my site in my sig for how I caught Mew, but I only saw her right when I got to the floors.
Look on the serebii.net and then under the MD section look under...I think Boss Pokemon? I dunno, any page about Mew, it might say it. I just looked at i today, it said that Mew is only found once every journey through the Buried Relic. How's that for a headache?

~fuzzy out~


Well-Known Member
fuzzyqwilfish: Um...thats not true. I saw her 3 times in one trip, and got her on the third sighting.


Well-Known Member
Seeing as mew cant spawn use the x ray specs and there will only be about 3 or 4 pokemon on each floor at the start and you track them down while ignoring other pokemon that spawn.

Mew can though fall from the sky in monster houses when he wasnt on the floor and has a higher chance of being on the floors when you are in the 90's.

He can be seen multiple times each clear and i think he has to be there at least once each clear but if you miss him when he is on the floor that could be it. But if you seach properly you should see him a few times.
I got him on the 81st floor which was the 3rd time id seen him that clear. ;123;


Obsessive Beader/Mod
Mew CAN NOT spawn. If it isn't one of the first Pokemon that is on the floor when you get there, it's not going to be there later.

Since the question is answered, going to close to prevent more "use a friend bow/use x-ray specs!" posts. XD
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