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Can Smeargle Sketch dis & Can Ditto do that?


Dead Man Illusion
Transform? I think it can't. AND if a shiny ditto transforms, will it turn to a shiny copy or not. I think these are dumb questions, still...


Gen 6 = <3
Yes Smeargle can learn Transform but it is a difficult process ( I haven't actually tried it) and yes shiny ditto will transform into the shiny form of the pokemon it is transforming into. I think this is right.


<-touch him and die!
if we breed a shiney ditto with a regular poke do the egg become a shiney?


Master Breeder
smeargle can only sketch transform on R/S, as i recall. it won't work on emerald/FR/LG/XD/Colo.


Dead Man Illusion
Thanks for that. I was trying on Emerald. :p

So was I. Now i'll try 2 catch a shiny ditto(not that i'll make it, but...) Does Smeargle need to know ONLY transform, or.. And if it Transforms, will it copy all stats(xept HP) like ditto?


Master Breeder
it can know other moves as well, it'll just lose them temporarily when it transforms. and yes, it copies the other pokemon's stats just like a ditto would.

smeargle makes a better ditto than ditto does, as a matter of fact.


Well-Known Member
Yes, Smeargle can sketch Transform, and shiny pokemon using transform will turn into shiny version of that pokemon.


I am the game
Smeargle can learn transform like the other guy stated but only in R/S


Heart & Soul...
I'ts a good idea to sketch transform. Ditto is too slow, witch makes him useless. Since you can't just catch a mew...just go with smeargle.


Onions? Where??
well, how you sketch transform then?


Shadow Amongst Light
well, how you sketch transform then?

**note** this must be done on ruby/saphire

1. Get into a double battle with ditto and another pokemon that knows spore (it's easier if smeargle knows spore). Smeargle MUST be faster than ditto.

2. Use spore on ditto.

3. Have smeargle use sketch on ditto. (smeargle has now sketched transform).

Whenever a pokemon is asleep.... the move it was going to use is still counted as sketchable in ruby/saphire. Since ditto tried transforming on move 1 but was put to sleep beforehand, he used the move but to no success.

Smeargle cannot sketch transform unless ditto is asleep. Once ditto transforms, it no longer is considered to have that move and thus cannot be sketched. This is why it fails when people try it any other way.


Shadow Amongst Light
Also what's good a Smeargle that knows Transform?

most people say
-mean look/spiderweb
-spore/other filler move

I've never tried it but supposedly imprisoning the foe and transforming into it makes it where it cannot use any moves and thus struggles every move....... But like I said... i haven't tried it before.


Dead Man Illusion
**note** this must be done on ruby/saphire

1. Get into a double battle with ditto and another pokemon that knows spore (it's easier if smeargle knows spore). Smeargle MUST be faster than ditto.

2. Use spore on ditto.

3. Have smeargle use sketch on ditto. (smeargle has now sketched transform).

Whenever a pokemon is asleep.... the move it was going to use is still counted as sketchable in ruby/saphire. Since ditto tried transforming on move 1 but was put to sleep beforehand, he used the move but to no success.

Smeargle cannot sketch transform unless ditto is asleep. Once ditto transforms, it no longer is considered to have that move and thus cannot be sketched. This is why it fails when people try it any other way.

My Saviour! Before your advice I tried to no avail! *gives Medal of Honour, greets, reporters take pictures, Ocelot glimpses behind the window*Will Hypnosis Also work?