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Can some one help please!!!!

Weavile King

Active Member
I need help to get to the latios and latias part.....I beat raquaza.....I have surf....and I have the friend area. I need help......please!!!!


Do a random mission, then the next morning when you wake up, the event will start.


Well-Known Member
Did you explore Solar Cave? Wait, you probably did, you have surf. hmmm... Do a few missions, then eventually you'll wake up and cue the cutscenes.

Weavile King

Active Member
I've had them both for a while now....I always do missions....Hold on one minute let me try......wait here guys....;munchlax;

Weavile King

Active Member
;munchlax; guys.....it's not working......i did sooooo many missions when i realized that the things you needed for latios and latias, i already had.....i just did four more missions.....any other ideas?

Weavile King

Active Member
yes i went to the buried relic.....i beat ho-oh and everything


Well-Known Member
I think you have to do a ton of random missions, 'cause it took me forever to get it.:p I don't think getting any other dungeons are related, as they were pretty much the first legend dungeons I did (post-game, of course). I've got the giude(or at least one of them), and its not very helpful on when you specifically get the mission, and just says you have to meet all the criteria, and all that.

Ho-oh Master

Well-Known Member
ugh >.> teh newbs.

*in book*

To trigger this event you'll need to have perchased the southern island friend area from wigglytuff fan club (at 9,500 poke) and retrived the surf HM from soler cave. on the first day after both condentions are met, you'll be awankened by a commotion ouside your base, told about a high-profile robbery, and given access to the northern range area.



Well-Known Member
That's weird. I just bought the friend area, and the next morning Latios appeared.

Have you been through Stormy Sea? That could be the problem.

Weavile King

Active Member
;munchlax; I just got done missions and now I'm in the mewtwo dungeon.....do I have to do that first?


Better then you
Well if you still can't get to Northern Range. Then restart your game. But I don't know how you don't have the dungeon yet. When I met all of the requirments the next day I got the mission.
Did you get Waterfall?Did you actulally find Surf in the Solar Cave or did someone give it to you?
Did you befriend Smeargle?