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can someone give me a trainer card?? plz

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[Insert Joke Here]
plz can somone make me a tc ???????with1: ;444; 2: ;398; 3: ;395; 4: ;448; 5: ;405; 6:;452; plz and thank you!


Oooh, is it?


Still Dirrty
visit my shop the link is in my signiture


[Insert Joke Here]
ya but where excactly theres alot of sprite shops there and i need a tc ?


Still Dirrty
oh im already making him one so i dunno but i guess this thread should be closed he pm'd me for the trainer card


[Insert Joke Here]
thx latios a


You can choose whatever shop you want in the Fan Art Requests. Just take a look in some and if you find one you like, ask in there. Just follow their shop rules, though
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