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Can someone help me brush up on my team I've been using since RBY!!

Alright boys if you look in my sig you can see the pictures, I'm a n00b when it comes to battling I just like to have fun :). However, when XD Orres Coloseum cleaned my clock I needed the assistance of help...so I found DVs IVs EVs and all what not, pretty nifty stuff.

So here is my team Serebii rate masters, hey is this even a good team to begin with? ;p. I like to use a bit of everything.


- Thunderbolt
- Thunderwave
- Body Slam
- Double Team

@ Twisted Spoon

- Psychic
- Seismic Toss
- Recover
- Reflect


- Flamethrower
- Extreme Speed
- Body Slam
- Sunny Day

@ Miracle Seed

- Psychic
- Stun Spore
- Body Slam
- Solar Beam

@Quick Claw

- Psychic
- Thunderbolt
- Surf
- Recover

@Bright Powder

- Megahorn
- Earthquake
- Body Slam
- ??? open for suggestions

Sorry guys I know I'm not the most experienced battler, but I would love all of you help.



@Petaya Berry

- Thunderbolt
- Thunderwave
- Substitute
- Bite/Baton Pass

@Lum Berry

- Psychic
- Fire Punch
- Recover/Ice Punch/Thunderpunch
- Calm Mind


- Flamethrower
- Extreme Speed
- Howl
- Iron Tail

@ Lum Berry

- Psychic
- Sunny Day
- Sleep Powder

- Solar Beam


- Ice Beam
- Thunderbolt
- Surf
- Recover

@Choice Band

- Megahorn
- Earthquake
- Sludge Bomb
- Rock Slide
oh wow thanks that shows awesome, but how would you rate the team as a whole as well...good bad average?
oh wow thanks that shows awesome, but how would you rate the team as a whole as well...good bad average?



All I can say is that it’s pretty outdated. Attacks like Body Slam aren’t that great anymore since the paralysis can easily be healed by Heal Bell/Aromatherapy/Natural Cure. Body Slam should only be used on Normal types really.

Also, don’t use items that only boost one type. This includes Magnet, Charcoal, and Miracle Seed, etc.


Hmmm...if this is for XD's Orre Colosseum, then Waterfall or Hydro Pump should go over Surf on Starmie. Likewise, I think that HP Ground would be better than EQ on Nidoking, as all of your team members except for Exeggutor will be OHKO'd by it. Shadow Ball > Rock Slide also on Nidoking in double battles.

Of course, if you aren't using this team for the Orre Colosseum, then I see nothing wrong with aragornbird's sets.