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can someone help me

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Zero Nexus

Stand up, go for it
sorry if this is the wrong section, but i'm in a bit of a tight spot here, does any one know how i can sketch counter onto smeargle?


Staff member
Go into a battle against a Pokemon that knows Counter and send out a Pokemon that isn't Smeargle. Then, withdraw that Pokemon first thing and send out Smeargle. If the opponent used Counter, then use Sketch, and you'll get Counter. If not, then keep repearing until the opponent uses Counter on Smeargle. I forgot if Counter goes after Sketch or not, and if it goes before, then just keep Smeargle out, use Sketch, and hope that the opponent uses Counter. If it doesn't, then just reset and do the battle over again.


Go into a battle against a Pokemon that knows Counter and send out a Pokemon that isn't Smeargle. Then, withdraw that Pokemon first thing and send out Smeargle. If the opponent used Counter, then use Sketch, and you'll get Counter. If not, then keep repearing until the opponent uses Counter on Smeargle. I forgot if Counter goes after Sketch or not, and if it goes before, then just keep Smeargle out, use Sketch, and hope that the opponent uses Counter. If it doesn't, then just reset and do the battle over again.

Dang you beat me to it! ;431; ;rukario;
What I do is that I get into a Double Battle. One of my Pokemon is Smeargle, the other is a Pokemon with the move I want to copy. Have the Pokemon with the move you want to copy (Counter in this case) use it. Make sure that you Sketch the move AFTER your other Pokemon uses it. Anyways, have your Smeargle use Sketch on your other Pokemon AFTER it used Counter (like the next turn).

...I hope that helps.

......and this isn't a game FAQ section.

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