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Can someone help???

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Well-Known Member
Where can i find japanese pokemon emrald codes? someone has to know!?!?! PM me please.....

super groudon

Master Of Shadows
like everyone else says,
we are not supposed to ask for codes online....


true love
no cheat codes noob
Do not call anyone a n00b. And if you all know this is not allowed, then STOP posting in here and be patient while you wait for an appropriate moderator to come and close this. Also, no need to post in a thread if you've already reported it, and you know who you are.

Yes, as mentioned in the first response of this thread, it is against the rules to ask for cheat codes. Go here: SerebiiForums Rules, and go down to "2. Discussion of cheating devices is not allowed." There, you will also find a link for cheat codes, if you looked hard enough. :/


Hey Syvarris, you learned a new word and decided to use it on the weakest you could find? Seriously, don't call people noobs without reason.

Now, Yellowstang, IIRC, I can't give or link cheat codes to you directly, but I wonder Eievui, is it ok to link to a site that has codes if you manage to find them yourself? I mean, say I link google.com. The site itself doesn't have any codes when you click it, but you can find codes through it. Is that ok or do you hate codes like the plague?


Obsessive Beader/Mod
Thanks so much to the rest of you for IGNORING A MOD and continuing to spam up the thread. Consider this a warning for the last two who posted just to spam.


EDIT: Rane, that would be fine (and I believe the rules thread actually mentions using Google to find codes if you want), but we'd still rather people just not post at all in response to spam or a post that is against the rules. Just report it and walk away. :)
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