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can u teach?


feel the burn
can u teach pikachu surf in sapphire and ruby?


Well-Known Member
2)I think there was some type of event.

You mean there is an event for it like the "flying pikachu event"?
It was possible in pokemon Stadium. This is how the surfing pikachu game worked on pokemon yellow, but that was in 1st gen games. I donno about the 3rd gen games though.


The new tuxedo look!
Get it from pokemon box like missingno master said.


Toon link
can u teach pikachu surf in sapphire and ruby?

No you can't in any game only in pokemon box when you collect a certain type of pokemon you will get a egg hatch it an it will turn into a pich that know's surf so it's your choice if you want to evolve it and

Missingo master how you get a shiny one? pm an tell me


The new tuxedo look!
Save before you get the egg. Then hatch it . If it's not shiny soft-reset. Must have taken missingnomaster FOREVER to do it.


Well-Known Member
are you crazy??
where did you hear that
the only game pikachu can learn suf is at yellow
with a cheat

Mazaru Wildfire

Advance Shipper
Come on, you guys, don't be so harsh.
No, you cannot. I know that some pokemon like dizzagoon can, which is extraordinary for it's type, whereas some cannot. So Pikachu cannot learn surf. If you want your pokemon to learn surf, catch a zigzagoon and then teach it sufr, or use a rod and catch a water pokemon to teach it how to surf. You can use surf any number of times, as it is a HM.


Well-Known Member
Wdf?Have you actually read Missingno Masters post??????
YOU CAN get Pikachu with Surf from Pokemon Box!!!!!!!!


Active Member
yopu can teach pikachu su65r5656f656 ahhhh im loosing the signal 165655dskbfsdgawrjrr184848

Bad Skitty

Caught em' all
you wouldnt even be able to 'save before you hatch' because you need to save to get it onto your cart from pkmon box.

cant get pichu from box? have you guys been living under a rock!

actually try getting box and using it before saying garbage like that.