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Can you answer this


I wanted ketchup!!!
I an a level 42 is it possible that i can get groudon because i really want it


PokeMon Professor
At Lv.42, it's possible, but it's not likely. I would train up a bit before attempting it. I was at Lv.52 when I caught him.


I wanted ketchup!!!
Can you guys give a pecentage or something without a friend bow


Well, its possible, but extremely unlikly. When you are lvl 100 with friend bow, his chances are only 24 percent.


I wanted ketchup!!!
I dont want to know your percentage mine

Baby Mew

I had to get groudon on my fith trie with the friend bow and he sucks he is on lv. 39 when you get him and my other pokemon are on lv. 60


I wanted ketchup!!!
Okay can you tell me what page the thread is on


I wanted ketchup!!!
Thank you that helped alot


I wanted ketchup!!!
Thanks again I finally havehave the friend bow


Water Pokemon Master
Well, its possible, but extremely unlikly. When you are lvl 100 with friend bow, his chances are only 24 percent.

Not really I was Lv. 50 with the friend bow and I got him on the 5th time.


I wanted ketchup!!!
Thanks i got him well thenks everyone you were a big help


Well-Known Member
I saved just before Groudon. Kept going through 1 floor and battling it. I was level 60.
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