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Can You Choose a Boy/Girl?

In the new video, we can see a new boy and girl not in any other game. Do you think you can choose whether you want to be a boy or girl in PBR?

Manafi's Dream

I hope so!


i think choosing genders would be great. wheter or not it will be possible, we will have 2 wait till december


Hyper Coordinator
At least they are putting gender into these games now. Now all I want from Gamefreak is customizeable characters!


Blaziken rules!
We shall see.

frontier champion

Well-Known Member
I think you can choose any boy or girl character from the 3rd and 4th generation games. Since you can only connect to pokemon revolution with Diamond and Pearl, you'll still have to use your team.

My future team is in my sig.


Well-Known Member
It looks that way which makes it look more like a RPG which is better
At least they are putting gender into these games now. Now all I want from Gamefreak is customizeable characters!

Toobad Gamefreak isnt making hte games AmIrite?
as best as I can tell from the text, it just talks about D/P and somthing called "Rentaru Basu" or "Pasu" the imange is too blury for me to tell. THeres also "Oringal B(P)Asu" and "Koroshiamu Battle"
Everythings written in Katakana. If you can figure it out, be my fugging guest.
BTW, the peoples names are "Shei" For the boy and "Rin/Lin" For the girl


Codenumber 242
No. Because they did it in Colosseum and XD.


Just me
No. Because they did it in Colosseum and XD.

Eh? They did what in Colosseum and XD, and why does what they did in Colosseum and XD have anything to do with it?


Zephyr Trainer

BTW,doesn't Corocoro post info about these games?


They better be able to by now! But customizeable characters would work a bit better though.
Don't forget Wifi.....


They better be able to by now! But customizeable characters would work a bit better though.
Don't forget Wifi.....