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can you get over Lv. 100

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Psychic Master
;151; ive been thinking about it and i cant get to the Lv. so can you get over Lv. 100 ;151;

God of Murkrow

Devourer of Children
No, but technically yes. Only through cheating devices, however.

For example, I have a level 250 Eevee on Gold. But when I look at him on Stadium 2, it says he's level 31-ish. As soon as I level him up, he turns back to 31. Yeah, it kinda sucks.

So, I suppose you could have one to brag. But you could never use it, otherwise it'd go back to it's original level.


WaterGround Trainer
are you kidding me that part of the rules u cant offically get it over lv100 but the item multiplying cheat in Red and Blue u could it above
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