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Can You Possibly Get Deoxys In Emerald Without Cheating?

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< It's Passion Pink!
Only if you visit a Nintendo event and receive the Aurora Ticket. (Otherwise, you must cheat and either teleport to the island, make yer own, etc.)

Soul Suicune

oh... that stinks then... It would be better without cheating in the games... All my sucess in both my emerald and FR, I ever had to cheat... -_-


I want Mew and Deoxys, but the only way to get them is to go to JoYsPoTs or cheating,-.-. Is there an E-Reader Card to go to Faraway/Birth Island or Navel Rock? If there,is they'd probably sell em on eBay or Amazon, that's how I got to the Southern Island.

Soul Suicune

I think so.. Because I think I heard my friends talkin bout it.. And I dont think you need to cheat to get Mew... You have to check IGN cause I read how to get it once and if you beated the elite 4.. you have to restart game.... -_- im not g2g to do that... oh well...

My friend wanted an espeon and he was willing to trade it for one of his lvl 5deoxys... he has a lvl 100 deoxys... i want mew badly... i might ask my mom to buy me a $20 those wierd game sharks?? haha.. saving on income.. -_-
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Lightning Swordsman
Multipoke said:
have a friend cheat and then trafe it to our game:)

If you do that, you can't use it on Colo/XD. There is a hidden bit to detect whether a Pokémon has been hacked or not. HOWEVER, if you hack an Aurora Ticket on another game, catch the Deoxys, then trade it to another game, you will be able to use it on the GCN games because it was captured legally, though the means of getting to it were not legal.


Obsessive Beader/Mod
1. Discussion of cheating devices is not allowed on these forums. Please cut it out.

2. There are no e-cards to get any of these Pokemon. The only e-card that will allow you to get to an Island is the Eon Ticket, which is ONLY for getting the Lati@s you missed in your game.

3. All of those "beat E4 ___ times to get legendary" are bullcrap. The only way to get Mew or Deoxys legitly is to go to a Nintendo event.

4. If you had looked in my Emerald FAQ, it describes how to get all of the legendaries and when/where events for these Tickets have been held. Please check out the stickies, and try to post in the correct section next time.

Phew. Since this has been answered...

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