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Can you put a pic from you computer onto your sig?

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Friendly POKéMON.
Hey everyone! I'm pretty new so I'm not aware of the finer points of the forum. I'm curious to know if you can take a pic from your computer to put on your signature (you see, I'm trying to make a good sig) like from My Documents etc. Can anybody help me?
DragonFire2 said:
Hey everyone! I'm pretty new so I'm not aware of the finer points of the forum. I'm curious to know if you can take a pic from your computer to put on your signature (you see, I'm trying to make a good sig) like from My Documents etc. Can anybody help me?
well first i think it has to be saved on paint and then find some image hosting site.preferably imageshack for free image hosting.click browse and it will open all your paint files and then just click the one you want.then click upload and then yeah......
sry if that isn't helpful its cause i'm talking on the phone and typing...


Friendly POKéMON.
Originally posted by Gary's Raichu
well first i think it has to be saved on paint and then find some image hosting site.preferably imageshack for free image hosting.click browse and it will open all your paint files and then just click the one you want.then click upload and then yeah......
sry if that isn't helpful its cause i'm talking on the phone and typing...

Well i already know that but whenever I go to an image hosting site and put that link to the pic thing that asks u for a URL, I get a link to the ste in the preview. I want it so you can see the image on the sig (reply if you can figure that out)


Oceanic Legend
It should give you multiple links. Use the link called 'Direct Link' then put the IMG tags 'round it.

RaZoR LeAf

Night Terror
On your admin page for Image shack, under each image should be the word 'Links'. Click that and then copy the Direct Link URL that is there.


Gary's Raichu said:
well first i think it has to be saved on paint and then find some image hosting site.preferably imageshack for free image hosting.click browse and it will open all your paint files and then just click the one you want.then click upload and then yeah......
sry if that isn't helpful its cause i'm talking on the phone and typing...

Yup, she's talking to me... still! (j/k)

On topic: Don't listen to GR, if you have a digital camera or whatever, just save the pictures under, "My Documents" and then into the folder, "My Pictures" then you create an account on a hosting site (use http://photobucket.com

And you use the browse option to retrieve the pictures. It will load, and then create a url, which there will be 3 of. Copy and paste the one that has

RaZoR LeAf

Night Terror
You might want to read the sig rules before you upload anything to your sig, despite everything there are still people putting stupid sized things in their signatures, aren't there clammyshazam!?
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