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Can you Trace Forecast?


Loyal Bug User
I was just wondering, can you use Trace to Trace a Castform's Forecast? And if so what happens?


Well-Known Member
Um...I don't think so. it would be pretty funny to see your Kirlia trace forecast then change with the weather. xD
Forecast changes only teh type ,that castform changes his form is because castform is special just like deoxys special is .(Deoxys can transform without an ability or attack)


Man I gotta try that! Just as soon as I find someone with a castform! Oh, phooey I forgot its rare.


vicious opportunist
Oh, unintentionally tried it last night. The game said my Gardevoir traced forecast, enemy Castform uses sunny day and transforms, Gardevoir looks the same and is still Psychic type. Nothing happens.

That's how my accidental experiment turned out.


. . .
Castform is the only known Pokemon that changes with weather. Tracing Forecast won't do a thing at all.


Natsu no Maboroshi
It only changes it's type...that's all...


<-If only it was red
Only works with Castform.

Same with Wonder gaurd.
(Imageine a gardy with wonder guard!)


Well-Known Member
Like the others have said, a Traced Forecast can cause the type to change but not the sprite.

Wonder Guard Porygon2 FTW.


Powerplay Champion
lol no...
it's a good question... but my running count is that it's been asked ab out five-6 times:)


Has anyone tryed to see for sure, i mean Super Eff. and such?