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Can you trade a GS celebi/jirachi to XD/colo?

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I know I'll probably get some people that are gonna b!tch at me for asking this so I'll say this first:

Pokemon is a game, nothing more. The owner of the game(the one who spent the$$) has evry damn right to do whatever they want with it. Just dont cheat to win with that max stat thing. This is so damn hypocrytic bu oh well.

My question(s) is(are):

Does anyone know if it is possible to trade a cheated pokemon(souch as celebi or girachi) you caught in ruby/saphire with a gameshark AFTER you trade them first into Emerald.

I caught THE mew that comes included in emerald with the warp to location cheat and caught the "legit" Mew.

I WAS able to trade it to my XD.

Then I used the Fight mew cheat and I was also able to trade it into XD.

In fact I was able to trade all my "sharks" into XD from Emerald.

I got some sharks from ruby and transfered them to Emerald and now I'm wondering: Will I be able to trade them to Colo and XD since it took sharks from Emerald even with that supposed to be "anti cheat wall"?

Please don't hate me for asking this or for geting those little sharks. I'm sorry to offend people that had to stand in a line for hours to get their legendary's.
It's just YOU try being 16 and asking your mom to take you to toysRus so you get a mew for a game she thinks is for stupid three year old kids that
sh!t their pants. Then stand in line with 7-12 year olds staring at you. Then end up getting nothing cuz they ran out(Has not happened to me...yet).


<--will be mine
Well...from what I know, any Sharked Celebi/Jirachi may be traded.

Mew/Deoxys are more "guarded" and I've only seen legitimate ones or those caught with a "warp-to-island" code actually traded. If you managed it some other way, then that's news to me.

Emerald/FR/LG run wilds will not allow for Mew/Deoxys trading.

I don't know about R/S


Well I've traded them jirachi and celebi for EV training to Emerald and if emerald has no guard against them and has same kind of guard like colo and xd then I think I'll be able to trade them. I'll hopefully test it tomorrow and post about it. I have NOT however tried trading a sharky mew to emerald. I'll also test that tomorrow.

I'll run sum tests then...



Toon link
well i'm not sure because i've never cheated for a pokemon but i'm guessing you can

lol and you have 4 of my favourite pokemon in your team mew,celebi,jirach an mewtwo :p


I ran some tsets and got great results:

I leveled up the Sharked pokemon:

celebi (ruby wild poke modifier),

jirachi (ruby wild poke modifier),

Emerald "faraway island wild fight mew" cheated mew,

and also both lati@s caught in "southern island fight lati@s" cheat(emerald).

Also "birth island fight deoxys" cheated deoxys (emerald)

Then I traded them to pokemon XD and it took them ALL.

Next time I will test cheated Mew from ruby and cheated deoxys from ruby.

I'm guessing since it is supposed to be possible to get them pokemon in emerald anyway, It thinks theyre caught legit in-game.

They must let celebi in cuz of the "celebi glitch" wich has a ridiculously rare chance youll find it. I guess they reward them lucky people. Mew and deoxys were not supposed to be around at all in those games(Ru/Sa) so it is obvious you cheated them UNLESS they have an id # that came from Nintendo. Thats just all speculation.

I cannot however come up with the reason jirachi is allowed.

I luv my ooberly powrfull team XD.(look down)


Not to XD because it's cheat safe and yes to colosseum.


Not to XD because it's cheat safe and yes to colosseum.

Not quite, both games have the same build of the "cheat safe" system. It's just that XD has an nicer interface to say you have a ? (R/S Missingno.) as a Bad Egg or an illegal Mew or Deoxys (caught via encounter codes), and whatnot. Both games also can't detect illegal moves either, perhaps due to things like Flying and Surfing Pika families and the hassle of doing so. Yes, that means you can enter an Aeroblasting Aerodactyl. The "cheat safe" system isn't very advanced now is it?

Also, apparently, the former Legendary Researchers of the NoA forums said that the JPN versions of R/S had Jirachi in place of Celebi, as we got Jirachi and they got Celebi via Colosseum Bonus Disc. This in turn, although unproven, is an possible reason. The other is that they could of been lazy. :\

EDIT: Also, the reason that the cheated island Mew and Deoxys were accepted is because those already have the "legit" code snippet activated. If you were to use the encounter codes for Emerald for Mew and Deoxys, they would considered illegal as the encounter codes don't activate their "legit" code. It doesn't matter what version your game is, it all comes down to that little code snippet. Which, by the way, is only present for Mew and Deoxys. Considering how if they did add Celebi/Jirachi as a bonus in R/S, but they didn't wish to add the "legit" codes to them, further infers the Celebi Glitch is a hoax. However, anything is possible.
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Well-Known Member
Fascinating topic. I was actually going to purchase XD used for the sole purpose of being a "cheated-Pokemon detector," however this topic brings a different light into the game.

It seems to me that the only two Legendary Pokemon that have an accurate illegitimate/legitimate detector are Mew and Deoxys? Well, not even that accurate, since the previous replies imply that you can cheat for the Event Ticket (Aurora, Mysterious.) or do some teleport cheat into their respective islands, and they are still considered 100% legitimate.

Is there anyway to actually tell the difference between a Event Ticket/Teleport hacked Pokemon such as Deoxys with a legitimately gained Event Ticket?

Aside from legendaries, I assume regular Pokemon with unusual summary index attributes are blocked out in both XD and Colo? (Ie. Pikachu caught in Meteor Falls with an impossible moveset like Dragon Dance, for example.)

On a semi-related note, I have already heard of GS/AR Pokemon being traded around in D/P's WiFi Network (Called "GTS"), both GS/AR'd Diamond/Pearl Pokemon, AND GS/AR'd Pokemon from the 3rd Gen.

This is bad because if you gained those Pokemon from Wi-Fi trading, and then use them in a tournament and get caught...


Well-Known Member
Yes, I believe that any sharked pkmn can be traded to XD w/o any corruption

Mew King

It's black magic!
Only Mew and Deoxys are not able to be traded. All the usually unobtainable legendaries in Sapphire except Jirachi (which I had the disk for) were sharked. Everyone but Deoxys and Mew were tradeable.

However, when I used this one specific code in FR to get a Mew with a trainer ID of NYC, the Mew was tradeable. Also, the code to get Deoxys with the sharked ticket on Birth Isle allows it to be traded to it.

Bad Skitty

Caught em' all
EDIT: Also, the reason that the cheated island Mew and Deoxys were accepted is because those already have the "legit" code snippet activated. If you were to use the encounter codes for Emerald for Mew and Deoxys, they would considered illegal as the encounter codes don't activate their "legit" code. It doesn't matter what version your game is, it all comes down to that little code snippet. Which, by the way, is only present for Mew and Deoxys. Considering how if they did add Celebi/Jirachi as a bonus in R/S, but they didn't wish to add the "legit" codes to them, further infers the Celebi Glitch is a hoax. However, anything is possible.

As a side note you might find it interesting to know that this code is also added to all pokemon from XD whether legendary or not. and they also all get the 'cleared all difficultys' ribbon making them much harder to cheat. if you have a suspect lugia, check its ribbons! I think it was part of why xd has one of the best security walls.

as for finding the difference between a legit/wrap code caugh mew/deoxies the only way to tell the diff is to look at the persons cartridge and see if they actually have the ticket. the pokemon itself is 100% legit otherwise. this is why nintendo get you to turn over cartridges if you win...because the pokemon are not detectable but the fact that you used the codes is. but if it is traded over to a 'clean' cartride then there is no way to tell whatsoever as the pokemon is traded and legit.

there is also another way of getting 'made' pokemon through xd security but is must again be done with a 100% unhacked cartridge and the pokemon must be legal in every way.
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Well-Known Member
As a side note you might find it interesting to know that this code is also added to all pokemon from XD whether legendary or not. and they also all get the 'cleared all difficultys' ribbon making them much harder to cheat. if you have a suspect lugia, check its ribbons! I think it was part of why xd has one of the best security walls.

Good to note; I've completely forgotten about the ribbons achieved from the console games. At least the XD Pokemons have another layer of security.

as for finding the difference between a legit/wrap code caugh mew/deoxies the only way to tell the diff is to look at the persons cartridge and see if they actually have the ticket. the pokemon itself is 100% legit otherwise. this is why nintendo get you to turn over cartridges if you win...because the pokemon are not detectable but the fact that you used the codes is. but if it is traded over to a 'clean' cartride then there is no way to tell whatsoever as the pokemon is traded and legit.

What if the tickets were cheated and put into the cartridge's inventory? I assume Nintendo can at least detect that, if cheated ticket Mew/Deoxys and legitimate ones are completely undiscernable, when they are transferred or traded over.

The previous posters imply that only the actual summary index matters though. Mew King said that he inputted codes so that the Mew would have the summary index of a NYC OT and was accepted in XD. I've always thought that there are a few strings of codes behind every Pokemon, and that cheated ones were not able to 100% duplicate those codes, thus being discernable.

Bad Skitty

Caught em' all
depending on the pokemon. there seems to be different 'security categories'.

event pokemon:

needs 'event OT' correct trainer number and the all important secret trainer ID. surfing/flying pikachu's seem to get around the 'illegal moveset' rule even without the special bit checked off. some like mew and Space c deoxies will have special bits ticked.

xd pokemon : all have special bit ticked off and 'cleared all obsticles' ribbon attached. Trainer can only be a male. ID no and SID number dont matter.

General pokemon: all legal movesets, stats

mew/deoxies should have correct ot/area caught although it doesnt seem to matter as long as the special bit is ticked. seems this is all the game checks for.

these codes are able to be duplicated but not with the usual methods. the good hackers are using a combination of pokemon maker + vba so the coding never touches a genuine cart, this is then uploaded to a real cart from something like a supercart effectivley all you have is a traded pokemon and a 'clean' cart. these are then tested on XD to check no mistakes are made.

Emerald Metagross

Well-Known Member
Once, my friend traded me a sharked Jirachi, and when I tried to trade it to Colosseum it wouldn't show up on the trading board. I was mad as hell, because as I don't have a link cable (the Jirachi was on Ruby) the only way I can trade my pokémon to my Emerald is by Colosseum... I have no idea how it worked for you...you are one lucky b*stard... :p


As a side note you might find it interesting to know that this code is also added to all pokemon from XD whether legendary or not. and they also all get the 'cleared all difficultys' ribbon making them much harder to cheat. if you have a suspect lugia, check its ribbons! I think it was part of why xd has one of the best security walls.

as for finding the difference between a legit/wrap code caugh mew/deoxies the only way to tell the diff is to look at the persons cartridge and see if they actually have the ticket. the pokemon itself is 100% legit otherwise. this is why nintendo get you to turn over cartridges if you win...because the pokemon are not detectable but the fact that you used the codes is. but if it is traded over to a 'clean' cartride then there is no way to tell whatsoever as the pokemon is traded and legit.

there is also another way of getting 'made' pokemon through xd security but is must again be done with a 100% unhacked cartridge and the pokemon must be legal in every way.

Eh, you're right. I forgot about the code also being present in XD captured Pokemon. However, it can be as easily avoided by adding that extra "legit" coding, and of course the purification ribbon for the visual checks. The ribbon, however, is unimportant for acceptance since as long as the Pokemon has the "legit" value turned on, it'll be accepted anyway. I personally have never experimented with this, so if you could prove me wrong, that'll be quite nice. :p

As for the ticket thing, you could also get the actual ticket and use the ticket activation codes to obtain and use the tickets. Yes, the tickets have their own security measures as well. However, you could avoid all that and just trade it to another game.

Also, define "legal in every way?" I've heard that someone attempted to use Pokemon Maker Pokes in the American JAA tournaments eariler this year, and got caught. He apparently also knew what he was doing. I'm sure that Nintendo has a very through method of this. Their checking system is more advanced than that of XD, so even the smallest incorrect value would likely be caught.

Also, IDNO. does not matter, you could have a Mew caught on Route 101, IDNO. 42304, trainer: Wisconsin, and have the legit value turned on and it'll still be accepted in Colo/XD. XD is more through, that is true, but it's pretty much just more secure on its own Pokemon, not the GBA's.


All the pokemon ive been trading from ruby have been accepted but I haven't tried mew or deoxys. I should try an ilegal moveset test now and also the mew from ruby and D from ruby too...

I'll try aeroblast Ho-oh

Mew deoxys from ruby...

Bad Skitty

Caught em' all
My friend had made a shiny hydrocannon charizard. this wouldnt get into colo or xd, although I am unsure whether or not the thing also had illegal iv's and evs which could have also been a problem.

as for people getting past nintendo security. One obvious case was a winner who had a Blissey in a master ball! . seeing as it was supposedly in-game caught (not from xd or colo) it should have only been able to be obtained in either a pokeball (hatched) or a safari ball. they also had every other pokemon in masterballs and supposedly only obtained on that cart (not emerald) so something fishy was going on. This guy did not get caught!

when the guy using pokemon maker cheated and got caught did he transfer the pokemon to a clean cart or leave it on the one he hacked? Gameshark and ar aparrently leave traces in the coding of your save file even once the cheats are removed. this is what nintendo supposedly look for when they do the cart dump+check if you win the tourney. They may also check the size of the save file itself. normally it should only be 64k but some devices will turn it into a 128k file. this also caused problems as it will be erased at the end of the E4 (there seems to be a cheat check during the e4 save in emerald that erases illegal sized files and also erases the save if there are ANY active cheats present or the game is a rom) (but again there are ways around this ;) ) . for experementation we just made a flying pikachu with correct ot/id/sid for the event obtained one without special bit checked and all random legal perameters. XD accepted it no problems.

Moral here is, if you go to a tourney with the same cart you hacked on you WILL more than likley get caught.
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Well-Known Member
This thread is very educating.

For XD, is the cheat detection made when you actually trade a Pokemon between a GBA cart and the XD game itself, or also when you just use it to battle another player?

I want to do some checking on some of my brother's Pokemon, but as I have not even started playing XD yet, I want to know if I have to finish it at all.

Also, regarding the previous comment about AR/GS leaving some lines of codes behind or change the save file size. If I trade a cart that is completely free of any sorts of hacking with a cart that has been AR/GS'd, will the unhacked cart receive similar traces? Assume the pokemon/item being traded between the two are completely legitimate and are native to their respective games.

This question came up, because I have actually heard of people who have traded with hacked carts with their clean carts, and ended up having their games screwed up somehow. One particular example was the title of the boxes in storage (Ie. "BOX1", "BOX2"...) was changed into gibberish after receiving a hacked Deoxys.

One other thing, I assume using manual clear data (Ie. Up + B + Select) resets everything into factory defaults and removes anything cheat devices have done? I noticed that after I did a manual clear data on my used LeafGreen cart, I think the settings on the options (Text speed for example) did not revert back to its original choices, which intrigues me if the effects of GS/AR are permanent.
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Bad Skitty

Caught em' all
This thread is very educating.

For XD, is the cheat detection made when you actually trade a Pokemon between a GBA cart and the XD game itself, or also when you just use it to battle another player?

I want to do some checking on some of my brother's Pokemon, but as I have not even started playing XD yet, I want to know if I have to finish it at all.

you only need to go into battle mode instead of game mode and battle either the computer or another player. any illegal pokemon will come up red and say 'illegal pokemon' IME. no need to go into story mode at all for this check.

Also, regarding the previous comment about AR/GS leaving some lines of codes behind or change the save file size. If I trade a cart that is completely free of any sorts of hacking with a cart that has been AR/GS'd, will the unhacked cart receive similar traces? Assume the pokemon/item being traded between the two are completely legitimate and are native to their respective games.

This question came up, because I have actually heard of people who have traded with hacked carts with their clean carts, and ended up having their games screwed up somehow. One particular example was the title of the boxes in storage (Ie. "BOX1", "BOX2"...) was changed into gibberish after receiving a hacked Deoxys.

theoreticly this should not happen as it is just the pokemon that are being traded and the coding is in the save file itself on the other cart. although if the pokemon itself is screwed up then there is no telling what may happen although it is also doubtful that a pokemon could be that messed up and not just come out as a bad egg though as they are just a few lines of simple code and if they go over a certain length (extra coding) or have anything added or out of place to cause errors then they are automaticly turned into bad eggs. more likley the cart was screwed up through bad use of gameshark/AR. the 'traces are left by the actual hacking itself. doubtful to the extreem they could be any way transferred to a clean cart.

One other thing, I assume using manual clear data (Ie. Up + B + Select) resets everything into factory defaults and removes anything cheat devices have done? I noticed that after I did a manual clear data on my used LeafGreen cart, I think the settings on the options (Text speed for example) did not revert back to its original choices, which intrigues me if the effects of GS/AR are permanent.

This is starting to become debatable. people say that only the SAVE data is altered by gameshark/ar codes but I find that doubtful as a lot of the cheats actually alter data not stored in the save part of the game. if it is altering Game data then obviousley the code is effecting the game itself and not the save file (eg Wrap codes turn doors into gateways to X location of your choice) if that data is corrupted then how would a factory reset work? a factory reset working the way most people assume would require the actual game to be completley restored. I am unaware of the game having any way of completly erasing and restoring itself so it is probable that messing with the coding would leave traces.
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