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can you trade leafgreento emerald or saphire?

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lucario the great2

Well-Known Member
reed the title

Fighting Dark Man

Everyone's Nightmare


Well-Known Member
I take it you whant to trade all your pokemon and items from one game to another that is possible


Well-Known Member
Beat the Elite 4 on Emerald and get the Ruby and Sapphire plates in the Kanto games and u can


fuk yo couch ***** !
you need the ruby and sapphire plates on leafgreen and the national dex on emerald to be able to trade.


you need some Grammar too

I think he messed up on purpose.

Besides, you shouldn't be telling him to learn some grammar, what with your lack of capital at the start of the sentence, and lack of full stop at the end.

And in awnser to the question - Yes. How else would we complete the 'Dex?


Woah woah guys, this isn't a Grammar test thread :p. Anyway, as the others have told you, you beat the Elite 4 of Leaf Green. You then get 60 Species of Pokemon in the Pokedex and go to Prof. Oak. He will give you the National Dex and you can them go to One Island and talk to Celio. He will give you the Rainbow Pass. From there go and collect the Ruby and Sapphire Plates from Mt. Ember and Dotted Hole. Just so you know, the Dotted Hole one is stolen and taken too the Rocket Base.

Good luck!

~Milotic Master
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