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can't decide!!!!!

Moonlight Umbreon

Well-Known Member
i can't decide if i should get diamond in japanese. It would be my first DS lite game.

so what should i do?

Cipher Admin Xaos

Dust to Dust

You could import it, but you would have to do a lot of saving then testing to make sure all your pokemon have the right moves and you should keep japanese names at hand when battling so you wont walk into a death trap.

However, it is kinda expensive and you won't be able to transfer pokemon onto your english version when it comes out (perhaps you will...my memory is foggy) Think of it as a rough draft.


Japanese is not needed for this game. use Serebii.net so you know what attacks you're using, and you know what Pokemon you're fighting by the sprite. I never found not knowing my opponent's upcoming Pokemon a hindrance.
I knew NO Japanese. But you find patterns like when it asks you to switch Pokemon and such. And you get used to what 'yes' and 'no' look like. Really, that's all there is to it. The game's pretty straightforward, but if you got stuck, go to GameFAQS and look at the Walkthrough there.

So I say, if you really want it like I did, the language barrier shouldn't hold you back.


PokeTrainer Miki
Japanese is not needed for this game. use Serebii.net so you know what attacks you're using, and you know what Pokemon you're fighting by the sprite. I never found not knowing my opponent's upcoming Pokemon a hindrance.
I knew NO Japanese. But you find patterns like when it asks you to switch Pokemon and such. And you get used to what 'yes' and 'no' look like. Really, that's all there is to it. The game's pretty straightforward, but if you got stuck, go to GameFAQS and look at the Walkthrough there.

So I say, if you really want it like I did, the language barrier shouldn't hold you back.

even once u get used to the way pokemon's names are written you can know which one is up next. and from the trainer sprite you can more or less guess correctly what kind of pokemon he or she'll have


You will be able to understand the English version better. You will also be able to upload your pokemon from your English games into d/p.


I wanted ketchup!!!
I would do it so go right ahead


Well-Known Member
I had no problem with the Japanese when I imported Diamond. Theres no real down side to importing the Japanese version other than being unable to read Pokedex entries.


I don't know!
and paying all that money...for nothing when the english version is out.