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cant get to regis


so adorable...
how do i get to the regis? im at the diving spot at route 134 and have a wailord a relicanth and a digger in my party but it wont let me dig? please help. desperate.


Well-Known Member
u have to read the brail and then go to the right spot. use a guide from game faqs


Fear him!
You might want to check this here:
When you're underwater and you're facing the Braile code, dive up then go to the back of the room, THERE use dig to get to the final chamber. Go to the back of that room and have Wailord first and Relicanth last, then click A and the chambers will open.


so adorable...
GRAH! i found the cave with regice. but its takene me ten resets and i still cant catch him.

i get him to red hp with dusclops, then use yawn with relicanth, and he still wont get caught! has anyone got any tips for cathcing him? ps. i use ultra balls and still have a master ball. i have 42 ultra balls and 1 master ball, and i have will o wisp on dusclops


Completing The Trio
you could always clone your master ball and get as many as you need it swhat i did


Completing The Trio
its not cheating its using an ingame glitch
if your having a hard time catching a pokemon, and as long as you don't clone to many masterballs, its not so bad. just coning to get enough MB to get the regis wouldn't be bad if you'r having this much trouble, would it?

ps. i also had a hard time with the regis.