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can't make hitmontop?

sorry if this is in the wrong forum, i got my lg copy yesterday. (friend stole old one) i noticed on the pokedex pg. it sayed you can only get hitmontop in colloseum; but cant i trade a tyroge over to emerald and evolve it to hitmontop?


Well-Known Member
Yeh you can. All you need to do is have it's speed higher than it's attack or defense (I think it's atk/def) by level 20 and it will evolve into hitmontop.


The Master...
breed either the hitmonlee/hitmonchan from the dojo hatch the egg they would make raise it to level twenty buts its attack and defense have to be the same... if thats what you needed


Lunar Origin
To get Hitmontop, you must...
1. Have a Tyroge
2. Level it up to Lv. 20 and at Lv. 20 it's attack and defence stats MUST be equal...
When attack and defense are the same, use Proteins or Irons to regulate this


Dragon trainer
444; each pokemon you beat in the wild or in trainer battles give certain ev's when you beat them and level up at the same time look up the ev chart on serebii;136;


Gust of Wind
Protein and Iron all the way, watch carefully on how much def+/atk+ it gets each lvl and you can do the math


or just breed and hope to get it w/ even stats. it never is that hard for me somehow...


I am the game
Hitmontop is weak! But atk and def need to be equal.

Wild Cherry

Magma Commander
Attack and defence must be the same, when on level 19 try making the EV's the same, otherwise you'll wind up with the chan and lee.


Well-Known Member
I think that Tyrouge's stats grow pretty evenly even with evs messing with them. My tyrouge's stats kept correcting themselves every few levels.


Toon link
so that's how you do i always use to get mixed up with this but how do you kno for sure whrn it levels up to lv 20 it might grow 4 in atk and 2 in def?


you dont, but then you have to turn off, and prevent that (use protiens or w/e)
sorry if this is in the wrong forum, i got my lg copy yesterday. (friend stole old one) i noticed on the pokedex pg. it sayed you can only get hitmontop in colloseum; but cant i trade a tyroge over to emerald and evolve it to hitmontop?

You can.Wow,nice friend must have stolen your cartridge...


Powerplay Champion
yeah... and as for evolving him, you know the equal attack and defense... so just use proteins or irons if ya feeling lazy


Well-Known Member
sorry if this is in the wrong forum, i got my lg copy yesterday. (friend stole old one) i noticed on the pokedex pg. it sayed you can only get hitmontop in colloseum; but cant i trade a tyroge over to emerald and evolve it to hitmontop?

You can evolve a tyrogue to hitmontop in any version of the AGs.

The Pokedex said that because it meant those are the only ways of CATCHING it in any of the games. Hitmontop is never given to you / able to be caught, you need to get a Hitmon lee/chan and breed for Tyrogue, hence the Serebiidex not having a specific location to get one


Well-Known Member
If you cant get one, use proteins and irons to make the attack and defense equal.