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Can't think of name of this anime....

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Student of Life
The main charecter is a vampire who is a private investigator at night who tracks down and destroys demons who try to come to earth by posessing humans. He also had to turn his young assistant (who was still in school) into a vampire to save her life after she was injured by his maker.


With Action Amusing!
It definetly Hellsing. Thought the "demons" are really vampires(weak ones that is.) It an awesome series. the anime out now sucks but the OVA will come soon and owns your a'ss! lol There also the orignal manga

The main vampire is Alucard and his "assitant" is Seras Victoria( no she doesn't go to school).

Anyway what about Hellising that you want to know?

Flame Haze SnS

I'm pretty sure it's NightWalker. I've seen that one before coupla years ago. Pretty good though.

And Hellsing is a demon, not a vampire.


Pokémon Game Hacker
definetely is Nightwalker =D LOL *points to user name*


winter rose
rose: yeah!! it most definetly Nightwalker Midnight Detective. :)
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