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Capture challanges?


Beginning Trainer
If you get two Abras you can get slowpoke. Are there any other pokemon that you get like this. If there is how do you get them and which challange?


I wanted ketchup!!!
What are you supposed to be asking

Chico Malvado

Evil Guy >=)
Charduck if you do not know about the post, don't make spam, and now this is your answer:

Kisara Plains:
Capture 2 Kirlias, appear Gardevoir.
Capture 2 Gardevoirs, appears Doduo.
Capture 2 Torchics, appears Combusken.
Capture 2 Combuskens, appears Arcanine.
Capture 2 Spoinks, appears Rapidash.

Saffra Sea:
Capture some Goldeens, appears Seaking.
Capture some Seaking, appears Wailmer.
Capture 2 Staryus, appears Starmie.
Capture 2 Starmies, appears Psyduck.

I think they are all.

Mega Weavile

Well-Known Member
I have one more:

Capture Arena:
Beat Spenser's record in capture arena and you can get fearow in the Kisara Plains
Saffra Sea:
Capture 2 carvanhas and a sharpedo will apear in the foggy place where carvanha stays
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Beginning Trainer
In the spin off dex it say you get mantine and luvdisk at safra sea. How do you get them?