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Card of the Weekend Dec.2 to Dec 5, 2005 Pot of Avarice

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Since no one else is, I will.
Pot of Avarice
Select 5 monster cards from your graveyard then add them to your Deck and shuffle it. After that, Draw 2 cards.

It would be more broken if it said up to 5, 5 cards, or Draw two cards send 1 to the graveyard and put two cards in your deck and shuffle it. But we can't get our way...

I've been trying to fit it in my deck but it's not working...

Only in Exodia or if you are extremely paranoid about decking out.

3.5/10 in General
10/10 for Exodia
HORRIBLE early game draw, better late game. I mean a 5 monster requirement in the GY for you to draw 2? =\

Too bad PoG is banned


Shining Kyogre said:
Since no one else is, I will.
Pot of Avarice
Select 5 monster cards from your graveyard then add them to your Deck and shuffle it. After that, Draw 2 cards.

It would be more broken if it said up to 5, 5 cards, or Draw two cards send 1 to the graveyard and put two cards in your deck and shuffle it. But we can't get our way...

I've been trying to fit it in my deck but it's not working...

Only in Exodia or if you are extremely paranoid about decking out.

3.5/10 in General
10/10 for Exodia
It sucks with exodia... Exodia is to THIN the deck... It might work with heart of the underdog exodia decks because heart of the underdog can go through the normal monsters easily...
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