I'll rephrase the question a little...
Which CCS characters were your favorites?
A tonne. XDDD.
Firstly, Tomoyo Daidouji. I thought her voice in the original was superb, and gave Junko Iwao a notable performance. Personally, her ways are just nice and I like her for being caring for her classmates, by not telling who their crushes were. For instance, Rika and Mr. Tereda. She was the only one clever enough to notice. Same for the Syaoran/Sakura thing at the beginning.
Second, Rika Sasaki. I've always liked her as a character and her ways of expressing her crush on Mr. Tereda in the Anime. She was awesome in that role and was vital in two important episodes of Cardcaptor Sakura. Episode Nine with Sword, and because of her being there, Sakura stood up to Syaoran, wanting to protect Rika. Episode Sixty-three with the drowning part. Sakura was able to save Rika yet again. Out of all the minor characters, I think Rika was given the most focus, due to her appearance in more episodes than her other counterparts, Chiharu and Naoko.
Maki. I think she was a great character in a sense, wanting to carry on her husband's dream. Two cards took refuge there, Shot and Jump. I liked her focus in the Episode with Jump. She was quite a great minor character.
Touya Kinomoto. Just for the sister complex thing. And many others thing. Hottest Character in CCS.
Yuuki. (From Episode 7 with Silent) She was quite a good concealer in her disguise and her attempts to remove Silent were fueled with the rage that someone painted over her father's painting. She must've been sad...
Sakura. I don't like her as much as Tomoyo, but she's great. I like her character and all.
Kaho Mizuki. I think she was a great character and all. And plus, she had strong powers of the moon, which helped identify which cards were under the rule of the sun, which were under the rule of the moon. Well, at least some of them. Apparently, Maze, Sleep and Freeze are Moon Ruled and Lock is Sun Ruled. =D.
I may have forgotten a few characters. I don't hate any characters in CCS, the rest, I think, are okay. Too bad Mr. Tereda and Rika didn't appear in Tsubasa: RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE.