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Cardcaptor Sakura

Anyone for Cardcaptor Sakura, the Anime? If I put this in Manga, the discussion will turn into a CCS Anime Discussion...

Anyways, anyone still watching this Anime? I keep re-watching the whole series, O_O, because I'm like, there's no other Anime which interests me. Anyone up for discussing about this Anime?


Gust of Wind
ummm all i know is sakura,syaoran and sakura's friend from cardcaptors are in tsubasa chronicles...err.....yeah =S


Hoenn Champion
Well, I have only really watched the dub and the first few episodes subbed. From what I have seen of the original, I really like it, even though it is a magical girls anime.

It is a shame that they do not sell it on DVD in the UK.


Well-Known Member
The sub is humorous and cute ^_^ It was just about my favorite anime. It was a shame that it had to end at episode 70 ):

SakuraxSyaoran itsumo~

Meanwhile, the dub...

Sakura- they've mutated her name and made her sound like a 30-year-old.
Tomoyo- or Madison. *shudders* Why do they have to make the names English? Is it illegal or wrong to keep perfectly fine names that suit the characters?
Syaoran- voice is fine, name's fine, I'm good.
Kero- AIYAAA, he sounds like his voice has deepened and he has a super bad cold.


Well-Known Member
Believe or not, Sakura and Li's voices in the dub were done by young kids. What kind of 30-year-olds do you talk to? If you totally ignore the fact that they moves the episodes around, reduced the number of episodes, took out all indications of more-than-friends relationships, then it makes a pretty good dub.

But let's talk about Cardcaptor Sakura, not Cardcaptors. I think 70 episodes and two movies were enough to end the series. Cardcaptor Sakura is perhaps my most favorite series. Or it may just be my bias, but whatever. I haven't watched it in a while though. I need to stop buying other anime and finally buy the Clow Book set. I already have the entire series including the Sakura Book set, but I still need Clow Book set. I think I'll be selling the individual DVDs, as much as I love the box art. I have the first 12 individual DVDs.

Draco Malfoy

The sub is humorous and cute ^_^ It was just about my favorite anime. It was a shame that it had to end at episode 70 ):

SakuraxSyaoran itsumo~

Meanwhile, the dub...

Sakura- they've mutated her name and made her sound like a 30-year-old.
Tomoyo- or Madison. *shudders* Why do they have to make the names English? Is it illegal or wrong to keep perfectly fine names that suit the characters?
Syaoran- voice is fine, name's fine, I'm good.
Kero- AIYAAA, he sounds like his voice has deepened and he has a super bad cold.

I agree that 'Madison' is a horrible name for Tomoyo. But we can't do anything about this; all anime dubs change the original names to English ones. In fact the only anime that hasn't is Digimon and even dub names every now and then (i.e. Izumi -> Zoe, Hikari -> Kari, Takeru -> T.K., Iori -> Cody)

But personally, I didn't think the Dub's choice for voices weren't thjat bad. In fact, I actually liked Syaoran, Sakura and Eriol's voices. But obviously, like everyone else, I liked the Japanese voices best as they truly suited the best.

But I have another reason to hate the Dub; they extracted so many damn scenes and even whole episodes. Damn you Dub! *Shakes fist in the air angrily*

Anyway, CCS was one of the best animes I watched; in fact the only animes I like better that CCS are Naruto, Digimon Adventures Season 1 and Season 2, Inuyasha, Tsubasa and Full Metal Alchemist. And that's in the whole wide world . ^^

Anyway, who was your favourite CCS character?
I'll rephrase the question a little...

Which CCS characters were your favorites?

A tonne. XDDD.

Firstly, Tomoyo Daidouji. I thought her voice in the original was superb, and gave Junko Iwao a notable performance. Personally, her ways are just nice and I like her for being caring for her classmates, by not telling who their crushes were. For instance, Rika and Mr. Tereda. She was the only one clever enough to notice. Same for the Syaoran/Sakura thing at the beginning.

Second, Rika Sasaki. I've always liked her as a character and her ways of expressing her crush on Mr. Tereda in the Anime. She was awesome in that role and was vital in two important episodes of Cardcaptor Sakura. Episode Nine with Sword, and because of her being there, Sakura stood up to Syaoran, wanting to protect Rika. Episode Sixty-three with the drowning part. Sakura was able to save Rika yet again. Out of all the minor characters, I think Rika was given the most focus, due to her appearance in more episodes than her other counterparts, Chiharu and Naoko.

Maki. I think she was a great character in a sense, wanting to carry on her husband's dream. Two cards took refuge there, Shot and Jump. I liked her focus in the Episode with Jump. She was quite a great minor character.

Touya Kinomoto. Just for the sister complex thing. And many others thing. Hottest Character in CCS.

Yuuki. (From Episode 7 with Silent) She was quite a good concealer in her disguise and her attempts to remove Silent were fueled with the rage that someone painted over her father's painting. She must've been sad...

Sakura. I don't like her as much as Tomoyo, but she's great. I like her character and all.

Kaho Mizuki. I think she was a great character and all. And plus, she had strong powers of the moon, which helped identify which cards were under the rule of the sun, which were under the rule of the moon. Well, at least some of them. Apparently, Maze, Sleep and Freeze are Moon Ruled and Lock is Sun Ruled. =D.

I may have forgotten a few characters. I don't hate any characters in CCS, the rest, I think, are okay. Too bad Mr. Tereda and Rika didn't appear in Tsubasa: RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE.


I may not have watched any of the show in the past few years or read any fanfiction concerning it or even looked at the smallest bit of fanart concerning the series. That doesn't mean that I don't like it however.

I have the whole thing saved on CD's so I can watch them on media player anytime I want, 1-70 & movies 1-2 & memorial videos 1-3. I recall when it was on Tv before I saw then subbed version and I could not get into it at all. Thankfully I got turned on to the japanese version.

Hmm I meant to say my own thoughts on the characters but I feel like I only have the barest understanding of them these days. Heh I'm so forgetful lol.

I did like the Rika & Terada relationship, too bad only the manga has him give her an engagement ring.

I like Syaoran and always felt bad that Sakura totally eclipses him so easily. Just like I like Meiling and feel similarly bad for her twofold. Firstly no magic and secondly unreturned affection from her cousin.

Yamazaki and his crazy rants are always great for a laugh especially with how serious some people believe him... good thing Chiharu is there to cut him off.

The only other character I can think of I like right now is Spinel Sun, A.K.A., Suppi. I love how he acts when he is on a sugar rush.


Natsu no Maboroshi
I watched only a few chapters...


Bring it.
I'm slow, wth was with Tsubasa. When I first watch, I was like @_@, aren't these CCS characters? Same creator I'm assuming.

The show itself was great, though at the final exam I think Yu..ay..(can't spell his name XD) shouldn't have gone down that easily but it was nice that it was ended by Sakura's very first card.

I was suprised when we find out later in the series that Sakura's very first card was one of the elemental 4, mary sue? :p

But Fiery was the best card, looked the best and it took 2 other elemental cards to stop it which made me happy since i'm a fire freak.
I agree that 'Madison' is a horrible name for Tomoyo. But we can't do anything about this; all anime dubs change the original names to English ones. In fact the only anime that hasn't is Digimon and even dub names every now and then (i.e. Izumi -> Zoe, Hikari -> Kari, Takeru -> T.K., Iori -> Cody)

you must of not watch many anime have you? there are loads of anime where the dub retain the original name. Only 4Kids and other shows that aired on saturday morining got change.

to me, CCS was the start of the infamous anime loli/pedo style that many Otakus are craving atm. (even now)


masterwannabe said:
But we can't do anything about this; all anime dubs change the original names to English ones. In fact the only anime that hasn't is Digimon and even dub names every now and then (i.e. Izumi -> Zoe, Hikari -> Kari, Takeru -> T.K., Iori -> Cody)
That statement's so wrong, it's funny....
DKzM0mA said:
I'm slow, wth was with Tsubasa. When I first watch, I was like @_@, aren't these CCS characters? Same creator I'm assuming.
Tsubasa Chronicle is CLAMP's crossover manga/anime, using characters from all their past works.
The show itself was great, though at the final exam I think Yu..ay..(can't spell his name XD) shouldn't have gone down that easily but it was nice that it was ended by Sakura's very first card.


Thunder Trainer
I love Cardcaptor Sakura. It was such a cute little series that also hit tons of great emotional notes. I loved the entire cast, and I can never get tired of watching it.
I watch the anime, yes... however, i want to know one thing. is Lei-san gay? he likes the same GUY as sakura, however he's interested in sakura in Tsubasa resevoir...

Neko Godot

Hey! Listen!
I watch the anime, yes... however, i want to know one thing. is Lei-san gay? he likes the same GUY as sakura, however he's interested in sakura in Tsubasa resevoir...
Prolly, as everyone in CCS is sexually confused, which is one of the reasons I wanna read the manga so much.


I watch the anime, yes... however, i want to know one thing. is Lei-san gay? he likes the same GUY as sakura, however he's interested in sakura in Tsubasa resevoir...
[SPOIL]No, Li's not really homosexual. He was just attracted to Yue's moon powers that was inside Yukito. He really likes Sakura, and they get together at the end.[/SPOIL]
Homosexuality is not uncommon in maga.

Live with it.

The dub just cut all of it.

Which made it sucked.


Anyways, I really think Watery pwns all. Along with Light, Dark, Illusion and Song. =D


it shone! ^_^
I love the CCS Anime/Manga; it has one of my all-time favourite Yaoi couples in it: Touya & Yukito. ^_^

I was thinking of buying the new boxsets from Amazon.com, since the subtitles I have on my DVDs aren't very good, especially around the third season.