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Catching Groudon

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It tell me this - "Abnormal weather conditions are no longer being reported. The occasional rainfall is a blessing, really. " Does it mean i can't get groudon anymore, or is there a way, place to go, people to talk to that i could still get groudon. Thnx . (I hope this is the right place to post this.)
Belongs in R/S/E forum,

Anyway,Have you beat the Elite Four?

Also try to talk to that scientist again.
If he says something about sunny weather that means Groudon appears on that route he says.

Have you killed Groudon? If so you can't catch it anymore sorry.

Hoped I helped


Well-Known Member
Groudon can only be catch in Ruby & Emerald. For Sapphire, just trade it over with both versions: Ruby & Emerald.
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Full Moon Wolf

In emerald if that happens and u dont got it yet u cant go back to catch it.


shining-Celebi said:
Have you killed Groudon? If so you can't catch it anymore sorry.
Mhm, you're close. You can actually go back to find it again in Emerald even if you fainted it on the first try. Just find it the next time it appears.


Although I really don't know, what the scientist says really makes it sound as if you've lost your chance. Had you ever battled it, or had you just not found it? As for knocking it out, I caught it on my first attempt so I can't say if you get another chance after you knock it out. I would have to say No, because just because his location changes doesn't mean there is an unlimited amount of chances, similar to the Legendary Dogs and Latio/as.


Well-Known Member
Have you talked to the weatherman before, but didn't go look for groudon? if you didn't, you might have missed it.


maybe you havent defeated the elite 4?cos after i defeated the elite four,i talk to the man and i went to find the groudon and caught it...


Well-Known Member
They must have defeated the elite four because the weatherman doesn't say this until you do, doesn't he?


Rainbow Trainer
I forgot to save before i battled groudon and accidently killed it. You cannot get it once you faint it. Believe me i tried. I traded all my pokemon to my sapphire and let my Brother-in-law Andrew play it. He restarted the game and eventually caught groudon and gave it to me. Now i am happy. You should do the same thing.

Brute Root

I'm a Christian
but it all depends whether he's playing Emerald or Ruby, if its emerald, he doesnt have to start over.


I'm not 100% sure but I thought that you could get the current location of Groudon (And Kyogre) from the weather institute. One guy there says "There seems to be abnormal weather jibberish over at Route ??" And then you have a limited amount of time to get there. If you miss him, just go back and check where he is.
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