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catching legendaries feels wrong


diamond boy
okay i like to catch legendaries for collecting not batlling them but i was thinking what makes the character so special that he can catch some of the most powerful poke's in the pokemon kingdom since that really means anyone can do it because without character development it does'nt show that your special enough or the chosen one to catch those legendaries, does anyone agree?


Well-Known Member
No because there just bits of data in a game. Thats like if in a YGO video game u got one of the Egyption God Cards and didnt wanna use it. Its all up to u

~Ero Oyagi~

Well-Known Member
I think I get what you're saying, and I agree. I have always wondered this, why is it that no one else succeeds in capturing legendaries if it's possible for you to do it yourself? But it's one of the many mysteries of the game that only confuses me more when I try and explain it.


+ L i g h t m a r e
No, I think there's nothing wrong with it. The creators put legendaries in the game for you to use, so it'd be best if you use them. Otherwise, you are wastng game space. X) I wouldn't store them in the PC just because they too powerful. Now it's unfair if you use them in a battle with a friend who doesn't know the difference betweeen Mewtwo and Caterpie. If you don't like the idea of using them, then that's fine too. Everyone has their own way of playing the game. ^^ Rofl at Jonno.Fresh's post. xD


Mew The Origin
I feel legendaries... are too common. since many people can get legendaries easily it pretty much defeats the purpose of calling it 'legendary'... i feel that legendaries should be harder to catch and only a few may be able to obtain it, BUT i feel they should be able to be caught via online tournaments rather than events, as events are totally unfair for those who live far. This would also raise the level of competition among us pokemon fans.


Borderline Troll
Dude, it's a game. They are not real, simply bits of data, like an above poster said, kay?


Natsu no Maboroshi
They should be free, because they're too powerful to have them in a team....
Well, maybe one or two...;)
okay i like to catch legendaries for collecting not batlling them but i was thinking what makes the character so special that he can catch some of the most powerful poke's in the pokemon kingdom since that really means anyone can do it because without character development it does'nt show that your special enough or the chosen one to catch those legendaries, does anyone agree?

I don't agree 'cause its a GAME!Why to care about it feels wrong or something?The games purpose is to bring enjoyment to people(and money to the companies who made them).


diamond boy
okay why is everyone going crazy i know it's a game but i'm just wondering only you should be able to catch it


It's just a game. :) Everyone choose if he want to catch a Legendary Pokémon or not. i have used a Legendary once in Red.


Just like everyone is saying: If you feel it's wrong then don't use them. I DO use legendaries. I have ALL of the legendaries I am able to get, which means I don't have the event pokemon. So yes I have them all in some of my teams. By the way I have 34 teams :p. I Use Fire Red & Emerald and I own Crystal just in case you were wondering :p.


I dropped my balls
I like to see myself as the keeper as the legandaries, rather than the average joe who happens to meet and catch every legadary in the game :p


dragon rider knight
okay why is everyone going crazy i know it's a game but i'm just wondering only you should be able to catch it

Its because NPCs are stupid, and you're the main character which maks it right for you to catch the so called legendary pokemon. They're not all legendary in my opinion, just really strong.


I'm baaaaaack

Bite me, but legendaries are for the weak. A well trained Pokemon tops a legendary any day. Well, not really.

Good point. The Pokemon Champion is still champion when you start... If you as a meer 14 year-old can catch a Level 70 Rayquaza, a full grown POKEMON CHAMPION should be able to catch it.



Bite me, but legendaries are for the weak. A well trained Pokemon tops a legendary any day. Well, not really.

Well, if a well trained Pokemon can topple a ledgendary, and a ledgendary can topple a well trained Pokemon, they are equals, and thus only earn the name ledgendary for their uniqueness and for their role in the games.