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Catching - what button?


Well-Known Member
In the gameboy games it improves your catching chance if you press and hold B when the pokeball opens.

Is there a similar thing in the gamecube games?
Is it A or B?
When do you press it?


Emerald Metagross

Well-Known Member
The catching rate does not improve by pressing any buttons at all.. that's just a myth...


Well-Known Member
Are you sure? It always seems to on the gameboy games. I've tried it several times with and without and I think it makes a difference.

Emerald Metagross

Well-Known Member
Maybe in r/b/y but not after that. And I'm sure it doesn't work on the 3rd gen.


Well-Known Member
Ok fair enough. It doesn't matter now. Managed to snag all of Grand Master Greevils Pokemon thanks to a lot of items, shadow half and a very tough salamence.

Edit: I know this is unrelated but i didnt want to start a new topic.

Do the berries work the same way as in Emerald (removing EVs) because I don't have access to Emerald
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Well-Known Member
ok thanks.