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Well-Known Member
Which cat is your fav? Zangoose and mew are not "real" cats but I think they count. I also think there should be more cat pokemon.

I like them all, but I got to go with the classy persian.
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Eh, ragazzo!
I like Delacatty, very cute meower! I know that was corny.

Mewtwo also, I think he is a cat as well.

I also like Absol and the Eeveelutions, or are they more cogs, they may be dats, I don't know.

Evanji Axu

Absol. It's definitely a cat. Look at the face and the body They're surely feline. And they remind me of my friend Vanessa, who has a whole box of 'em.


Old Coot
Tazzler+Janina said:
Which cat is your fav? Zangoos and mew are not "real" cats but I think they count. I also think there should be more cat pokemon.

I like them all, but I got to go with the classy persian.
Uh..Zangoose is a MONGOOSE. Definately not a cat. o_O


Edward Elric said:
Uh..Zangoose is a MONGOOSE. Definately not a cat. o_O
Even though, for some dumb reason, it's classified as a "Cat Ferret". o_O


true love
Espeon and Umbreon. And Skitty.. (over Delcatty.)

Actually, I think all of Eevee's evolutions are based off cats.. even Vaporeon.. and Absol looks more .. doggy to me. Maybe just me.. My friend says both cat and dog.

And I wish I had Espeon for a cat than my current one.. at least Espeon won't meow like crazy. o_O


Old Coot
Whoever thought that up must have not been thinking. o_O Probably has something to do with its facial features where they assumed it to be like a feline.

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mongoose According to that, mongooses don't fall into the feline category.
NOA is stupid. Period. :p

Cats? I like Persian. It looks wicked, it's sleek, and it's a classy cat to boot. And it's a cat I'm not allergic to! Yay! :D


Good ole Nyasu for me. <3 I've always had a soft spot for it... The ever adorable Eneko is a close second though.

Flame Sabre

Umbreon and Espeon are the best anyway (if they are based on cats that is). And Mewtwo is pretty awesome too, though I never used him in battles. o_O


same here for me. but i like Umbreon better, xD. plus, i like its Dark/shadowy powers...


I´ve never though Eevee and its evolutions as cats... I think they are more foxish. Especially Eevee itself. In one art of Umbreon, it really looked like a fox o_O; I guess it depends on who is drawing it. Meh.

And Mewtwo doesn´t look like a cat to me either. Mew does, barely. At least its face. But, whatever.

I´m not too into Skitty and Delcatty though. I like to use Skitty in someof my fics though. Don´t know why. But not nearly as much as I like using Meowth and Persian. <3

Out of the two of them, I like Meowth more, but Persian is a close second. Both are included in my Top Five favorite Pokémon, though. Meowth is cute, and TR´s Meowth is funny, whereas Persian is elegantic and graceful. Plus, I like their colors more than Skitty´s and Delcatty´s.

Meh, there were few reasons.


Cats. Hmm. You say Mewtwo doesn't look like a cat... But... eah, nevermind.

I like Meowth too. It reminds me of the neighbour's cat that used to stand on two feet to beg for treats. Rest in peace, honey... (Why the Yellow's Meowth isn't a part of Team Rocket? It's only something to be battled against.)


Well-Known Member
More of a cat mongoose, I guess. In one episode of the anime starring zangoose, it said skitty was "helping" zangoose b/c they were both in the cat family.


Mewtwo is a cat, just a very... complicated one. Heck, do you think he'd be called MEWtwo if he wasn't a cat?

Anyways, I love Mewtwo when he is in the armour...
I never knew that Mewtwo and mew were cats I thought they were something else. But anyways my favorite cats are Delcatty and Skitty because they are so cute.

;003;Dark Venusau;003;


Eh, ragazzo!
Tasumi said:
Either Espeon, Umbreon, or Persian. Umbreon has looks, Espeon has Intelligence, and Persian has.....fur. o_O

I would say that Espeon and Umbreon have roughly the same intelligence.


Meowth is my favorite but I like Skitty too. I actually really don't like cats...(yet I like "cartoon" ones).
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