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CB Team


Well-Known Member
Before I get started, let me tell you I don't know who the lead is going to be.

Heracross@Choice band
Adamant (+Attack,-Special Attack)
Brick Break
Rock Slide
Focus Punch

Volbeat@Choice band
Jolly (+Speed,-Special Attack)
Signal Beam
Shadow Ball
Focus Punch

Slaking@Choice band
Truant :(
Jolly (+Speed,-Special Attack)
Body Slam
Focus punch
Shadow Ball

Aerodactyl@Choice band
Rock Head
Adamant(+Attack,-Special attack)
Rock Slide
Double edge
Hidden power{Flying}

Metagross@Choice band
Adamant(+Attack,-Special Attack)
Meteor mash
Sludge Bomb

Blakizen@Choice band
Naughty(+Attack,-Special Defense)
Hidden power{Ghost}
Rock Slide
Sky Uppercut

Rate out of ten.


prophecy fulfilled
adamant slaking

focus punch > hp ghost on blaziken


Well-Known Member
What about body slam? Return or double edge? I thought bs would be kind of cool for paralysis.
edit, export to text please
once I got the name tazzler luva and went to battle mountain and lol drayano beleived i was actually tazzler
69 To The Rescue! said:
edit, export to text please

You try to sound elitist but you're just one of those that say the same thing as "OMG 10/10"

Anyways, return slaking. Body slam is a waste.
uhhhhhh can you stop raggin on him he's a kool alley kat

btw ur team needs a bit more regirock protection, maybe use cb suicune double edge hp ghost rest hydro pump???


no troll
If you're gonna Trick, use a special attacker as your Tricker. They don't keep the Atk boost once they lose the CB you know.

Horn Drill

Needs more Tauros. :eek:

Ya, use Alakazam as a Trick Bandah.


Slack King said:
once I got the name tazzler luva and went to battle mountain and lol drayano beleived i was actually tazzler

Metagross doesn't need T-punch with Admant and no Sp.att evs it will
be doing **** to Skarm anyway and Explosion kills it either way..

Salamence or Flygon would be good so you can switch in EQs and can actually takes hits unlike dactl plus you need something that can switch safely into Heracross in your team..

Pax Deorum

Tempus Vernum
leafgreen386 said:
If you're gonna Trick, use a special attacker as your Tricker. They don't keep the Atk boost once they lose the CB you know.

I have Trick on my CB Furret since his moves already cover everything. And it's God, you can trick those Reversalers right at the beggining if you have problems with them, since Furret is fast, he can Trick before they Sub, which will be very cool. Even without Choice Band, Double-Edge will still do lots of damage.

Same thing goes to Volbeat, he can Trick against dangerous things like CMers, etc.

Next time, on the team builder, use File---->Export to Text, since it makes easier for the raters to read if you don't mind typing it all


prophecy fulfilled
DemonScythe said:

Metagross doesn't need T-punch with Admant and no Sp.att evs it will
be doing **** to Skarm anyway and Explosion kills it either way..

wrong. metagross' explode doesn't ko skarm with more then 80%


Do not pass Go.
1. Explosion won't OHKO skarm.
2. Why would you want to explode your physical wall and one of the most powerful Pokemon in the game anyways?


Well-Known Member
The computer i do the forums on doesn't have netbattle. I'll type it so it is easier to read, though.
Alakazam, I'll try him out even though i hate him.
Good moveset?
Fire punch
Calm Mind
Or should hpwater or recover go on there?


Do not pass Go.
I prefer Trickzam to have:

-Trick (you don't say...)
-Calm mind
-Any good physical attack (Trickzam doesn't nessacarily have to trick with the choice band, you can use the increased attack from CB to do some damage)

Pax Deorum

Tempus Vernum
Focus Punch to catch T-Tar, Blissey or Lax on the switch :eek:


0mastar said:
wrong. metagross' explode doesn't ko skarm with more then 80%
how am I wrong I said it kills it not OHKOs it and the Explosion
does like 85%-95% anway and Skarm switching into most of these CBd attacks will be enough for the Explosion to KO and finish skarm
dynamo said:
1. Explosion won't OHKO skarm.
I never said that and look at my reply above..
2. Why would you want to explode your physical wall and one of the most powerful Pokemon in the game anyways?
uhh..maybe to get rid of **** that can possibly wall you like Skarm..