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CC Aggro Toolbox YGO Advanced

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Mobius the Frost Monarch
Mobius the Frost Monarch
Cyber Dragon
Cyber Dragon
D.D. Assailant
D.D. Assailant
D.D. Warrior Lady
DD Survivor
Exiled Force
Don Zaloog
Blade Knight [Considering]
Mystic Swordsman LV2
Dekoichi the Battlechanted Locomotive
Dekoichi the Battlechanted Locomotive [Considering Tsukuyomi]
Magician of Faith
Breaker the Magical Warrior


Mystical Space Typhoon
Heavy Storm
Dark Hole
Snatch Steal
Premature Burial
Book of Moon
Nobleman of Crossout
Smashing Ground
Smashing Ground
Smashing Ground
Brain Control
Pot of Avarice
Reinforcement of the Army
Reinforcement of the Army
Nobleman of Extermination
Swords of Revealing Light


Call of the Haunted
Torrential Tribute
Sakuretsu Armor
Sakuretsu Armor
Dust Tornado
Dust Tornado

Please R/F and I'll R/F any of your decks. This will probably be the deck I'll run for some time.
I redid the deck on December 242005
Last edited:


Well-Known Member
I find Snatch Steal a little too useful for your enemy. Maybe a Conscription? I don't recognise most these cards as I'm new, but the life point gain an opponent get's from Snatch Steal could prove annoying. So Conscription is a possible alternative, if slightly more timing dependant. But then I may be wrong.


Conscription could prove worse for you if it's Premature, Heavy, or Even Dark Hole! Snatch Steal is still a staple anyway and that's reason enough to keep it in.


Shining Kyogre said:

Mobius the Frost Monarch
Mobius the Frost Monarch
Airknight Parshath(take it out it will just get pawned by a cyber dragon)
Cyber Dragon
Cyber Dragon
D.D. Assailant
D.D. Assailant(add another)
D.D. Warrior Lady
Exiled Force
Don Zaloog
Don Zaloog(take out 1 is anouth imo anyway is it restricted?)
Mystic Swordsman LV2
Dekoichi the Battlechanted Locomotive(take out)
Cyber Jar(too risky)
Magician of Faith
Breaker the Magical Warrior
add a dd survivor when you get it


Mystical Space Typhoon
Heavy Storm
Dark Hole
Snatch Steal
Premature Burial
Book of Moon
Nobleman of Crossout
Smashing Ground
Smashing Ground
Smashing Ground(2 is better imo)
Swords of Revealing Light
Reinforcement of the Army
Reinforcement of the Army
The Warrior Returning Alive
Giant Trunade
add 2 enemey controller


Call of the Haunted
Torrential Tribute
Sakuretsu Armor
Sakuretsu Armor
Dust Tornado
Dust Tornado
maybe a widespread runin?

Please R/F and I'll R/F any of your decks. This will probably be the deck I'll run for some time.
Don't worry D.D. Survivor is on the way.

made changes in quote so basically

-cyber jar
-1 don zaloog
-Dekoichi the Battlechanted Locomotive
+d d survivor
- 1 smashing ground
+2 enemy controller
+widespread ruin

try that out mind looking at mine its a little down the page called phienix aggro thanks(sorry havent got a link lol)


i would say take out dekoichi definetly
then u should add 2 bazoo the soul eater and then add three return from the different dimmension to swarm the field


I can try for a Widespread and I have DDS.

I shall not slave thyself for thou DD Assailant.
Took out Dekoichi and a Don but I'm keeping Airknight and Cyber for hand Advantage and some Trample!

I'm about to redo my deck but it might be worse.

Yami Ron

Elite Member
Only suggestion I have for your deck is maybe take out 1 Smashing Ground and put in 1 or 2 Marauding Captains. Other than that, it looks good.


Well-Known Member
Very good deck, Although, Why not replace a Smashing for a Hammer Shot, just in case someone is really aggressive
Hammer shot targets yourself also =| That's why smashing is much more useful.

hm, maybe drop the airknight for a cyber dragon for a little speed.


drop airknight for another mobius
also i would sa y add a gravekeepers gaurd for use withe spys


No Gravekeeper's Guard because the spies' targets have to be face-up.
Airknight=hand advantage and annoying Spirit reapers.
Hammer Shot is something I'll put in
Marauding Captain-maybe
someone on my team suggested Hammer Shot
lemme repeat..

Hammer shot targets yourself also =| That's why smashing is much more useful.

that's why the majority play smashing ground today.


I'll still have two Smashing Grounds to fall back on.


If you wanna do anything right, and I'm only posting this to let Shining K. know, Snatch the opponent's monster, Book of Moon it, and flip it back up! it will be yours to use, without the nasty effect of your oponent gaining 1000 LP during every one of his standby phases! (Yes, it is a legal move, I've been to tourneys.)


kalkris said:
If you wanna do anything right, and I'm only posting this to let Shining K. know, Snatch the opponent's monster, Book of Moon it, and flip it back up! it will be yours to use, without the nasty effect of your oponent gaining 1000 LP during every one of his standby phases! (Yes, it is a legal move, I've been to tourneys.)

There's also the rather evil Snatch Steal + Bad Reaction to Simochi.


Looking for fixes, not combos, even though Kalkris' is pretty good but no random cards like Bad reaction


I would put in Tsukuyomi and not add in the Blade Knight. A Bottomless Trap Hole would be better than that Dust Tornado or a Trap Hole to protect your self from Nobleman of Extermination. I do consider a Magical Merchant to draw and also make more use of Pot of Avarice. Impressive deck.


This is better than the exodia deck that required no skill to use...
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