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a huddleflash
I want one, so I will trade a mew for one (or a shiny gardevoir) when diamond and pearl come out. Just, reply or something, I don't know.


Newest Shiny~
do you have emerald?
then clone those 2 pokemon and trade that mew and shiny gardevoir


Newest Shiny~
same for me
and both shiny :D
it's very cool when your friend has a gameshark...
Do you have any other pokemon. I dont have a celebi but I do want one. Theres bound to be someone on wifi that will be willing to trade.


Well-Known Member
I have Emerald and a Celebi!!!!:D IF I had wi-fi connection, i'll trade one!.... But I don't..... And don't say:"Go to your local MC Donnald's, they have free wi-fi connection!" Becuse I live in PR and they don't have the promotion here. Sorry!


i will get wi-fi and i don't have Celebi but i still want that shiney Gardevoir ^^'' (damit! ><) if you don't find anyone to trade with until pokemon DP comes to sweden then i can trade for something...he...


Well-Known Member
same for me
and both shiny :D
it's very cool when your friend has a gameshark...

Its also cool when your game doesnt get destroyed, Hope yours doesnt

Anyways I think this is the wrong thread for this


a huddleflash
I have Emerald and a Celebi!!!!:D IF I had wi-fi connection, i'll trade one!.... But I don't..... And don't say:"Go to your local MC Donnald's, they have free wi-fi connection!" Becuse I live in PR and they don't have the promotion here. Sorry!

Emerald doesn't work on wifi, but diamond and pearl will. So wait until then! I think, I mean, there are hotsposts everywhere, at almost all colleges and coffeeshops, so I mean, you know.


a huddleflash
i will get wi-fi and i don't have Celebi but i still want that shiney Gardevoir ^^'' (damit! ><) if you don't find anyone to trade with until pokemon DP comes to sweden then i can trade for something...he...

Sounds good, I'm sure you have something I'd want. :)
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