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Veteran Trainer
This may be dumb but what do u think celebi sounds like in the games?Also,if you can describe it I would appreciate it.


Well-Known Member
DeoxysTrainer said:
This may be dumb but what do u think celebi sounds like in the games?Also,if you can describe it I would appreciate it.

Almost EVERYONE knows what Celebi Sounds like in the games. It's short and sweet.


to be honest it is a pretty rare pokemon, and he may not have seen it before in the games, the only way i saw it was when my freind showed me his, and he went to japan to get it...

RaZoR LeAf

Night Terror
It's a toss between Grrzzzzkkt or PwwzzPwwzikit, though it might sound like Zzzkkiizkkiizkki or even rrrrggrraaakktt. Like everything else in the games, it sounds like a dail-up tone.
i have mixed records with, gentleben who had a japanise celebi! so i can fight it as much as i want. it is at level 99.
i have also owned that celebi, so i have the pokedex for it.

RaZoR LeAf

Night Terror
Unless anyone has an actual audio file with it in, there's little point this topic staying open. Should someone get ahold of it, they can PM it to DeoxyTrainer.
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