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Celebration Time!

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Nearly have 500 gallery pageviews so I'm celebrating with three special art pieces. I only have one done so far though, please give crit.


In Light of Madness


http://www.deviantart.com/view/25406753/ If imageshack fails...

Ah, I couldn't contain myself. I just had to post this here because... Well... It too too damn long to do! I had to pay attention to every little pixel, if something was wrong I had to spend like 10 minutes fixing it. Note, this was made entirely on my computer.

The anthro vixen that Rey (anthro Espeon) and Cory (anthro Umbreon) are fighting is HoshiKitsuneOmega, the newest admin on Arwing Landing (gee I wonder who she looks like). I gave it a battle effect to it like it is in the third gen games, but a starry twist like you're battling in space for some reason...

I seriously lost track of how long this took me.


I will add a May and a Krystal drawing to this thread when I get around to it.
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