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Cerulean Cave

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Well-Known Member
Beat the e4 and get 60 pokemon then talk to Oak and he'll give you a national pokedex, then fix the trading machine on isle 1.


Well-Known Member


so adorable...
i dunno i aint played leafgreen in a while, but do you have to beat elite 4 after its upgraded?


Well-Known Member
i dunno i aint played leafgreen in a while, but do you have to beat elite 4 after its upgraded?

I don't know for sure but I think you do have to beat the second "version" of e4.


Well-Known Member
Machine fixed, I can trade, beat E4 1 time, dunno anything else, and sorry for the double post

pigs do fly

<Currently hunting
No, you just need to have the national dex, the E4 beaten, and the islands side quest done.


Completing The Trio
go to seven island and have a pokemon that knows strength, go south and you'll come across a cave with slabs of stone inside move these stones into the divets you see and you'll see it pop up saying there was a large rumbling far away thats the cerulean cave opening up
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Well-Known Member
Whats the island side quests? And I did the rumbling, but thats for Unkowns.And lucky you dnglover25. and my game was not used with ar or gs. and i think my game is a real cartridge because it was from wal-mart

Silent orange L.V.12

Where's the ban?
It says on serebrii"You need to have beaten the eilte 4,have the national dex,and fixed the network meachine on island one" if you have done that and it's still not opening up,then it might be a glitch.


Completing The Trio
emuritto you've already done the island side quest theres only one and it was to fix the machine
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